Knowledge Exchange for Behaviour Change Communication (BCC)

In March 2021, the “Water for Health & Sanitation” workpackage research team took part in a knowledge exchange virtual session for behaviour change communication (BCC).
A significant aspect of the RECIRCULATE “Water for Health & Sanitation” workpackage is the action research which pilots circular solutions to contamination of drinking water in low-income urban settlements in Accra, Ghana and comprises a technical intervention and behaviour change communication (BCC). The research teams from Lancaster University, Green Advocacy Ghana, and CSIR-Institute for Industrial Research in Ghana, visited Bangladesh for a knowledge exchange session with The Last 100 Metres project team in November 2019. The second phase of the exchange was initially designed for colleagues in Bangladesh to visit Accra which, however, didn’t go ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, a virtual section was arranged between 11th and 16th March 2021. The team in Accra has selected 30 adolescent change agents and formed a community-based organisation to see the implementation of the BCC. The team from Bangladesh was represented by the joint director of the non-governmental organisation called DSK, a research assistant, and a renowned local drama content creator.
The focus of the event was for the team in Ghana to share their experience with the implementation of the action research and to receive inputs from the team in Dhaka. The inclusive dialogue resulted in a strategy for implementing the behaviour change communication in Ghana. This included the content for a community drama, training adolescents who will communicate good sanitation and water behaviour to community members, and the scheduling of courtyard and tea stall sessions. The procedure for generating data and process for reflecting, reviewing, monitoring and evaluation were also discussed. The training reinforced the preparations of the team in Ghana.