Heritage language learning and education: Cross-disciplinary perspectives

Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon, December 18, 2017

This symposium is the inaugural event of the Heritage Language Consortium, a new strategic partnership between Lancaster University, the University of Lisbon, the University of Minho, NOVA University Lisbon, the University of Porto, Tübingen University, and Camões: Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The purpose of the present symposium is to introduce the new Heritage Language Consortium, to provide a snapshot of the work conducted by some of our members, and to discuss opportunities for future collaborative research. For further information on the symposium, please email the organizer, Ana Lúcia Santos (als@letras.ulisboa.pt).


Participation in the event is free but prior registration is required as there is a limited number of spaces. Please register by emailing Alice Jesus, alicejesus@letras.ulisboa.pt.


The symposium will take place in Room 5.2, Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon. For directions, please consult the following page.


You can download the program, including abstracts, by clicking on this link.


9.00 to 9.10 Ana Lúcia Santos (U Lisboa) and Patrick Rebuschat (Lancaster)
Welcome and opening remarks
9.10 to 9.50 Patrick Rebuschat (Lancaster)
The implicit-explicit interface: From the lab into the wild
9.50 to 10.30 Isabel Margarida Duarte, Ângela Carvalho, Sónia Valente Rodrigues (Porto)
Treino de competências de oralidade em Português Língua Estrangeira: Recursos online de ensino e aprendizagem
10.30 to 11.10 Cristina Flores (Minho) and Ana Lúcia Santos (U Lisboa)
Heritage languages as native languages: A critical discussion of the concept of Portuguese as Non-native language (PLNM)
11.10 to 11.40 Coffee break
11.40 to 12.20 Alexandra Fiéis and Maria Lobo (NOVA)
Syntactic development in bilingual and L2 Portuguese speakers
12.20 to 13.00 Ana Madeira and Susana Correia (NOVA)
Second language learning/acquisition: Challenges and implications for language teaching
13.00 to 14.30 Lunch break
14.30 to 15.30 Detmar Meurers (Tübingen)
Analyzing learner corpora: On annotation, linguistic complexity, and task effects
15.30 to 16.10 Iria del Río Gayo and Amália Mendes (U Lisboa)
COPLE2 learner corpus: Current state and future developments
16.10 to 16.30 General discussion and closing statements