2016 Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development

We are proud to announce the first annual International Conference on Infant and Child Development hosted by the Department of Psychology at Lancaster University, U.K.! This is a 3-day event during 25-27 of August 2016. Lancaster University is home to one of the largest and progressive infancy research groups in Europe. Information about our Babylab can be found here.…

Lab members to present at CogSci 2016

We would like to acknowledge and congratulate lab members Dr Rebecca Frost, Dr Katie Twomey, Arthur Capelier-Mourguy, and Professor Gert Westermann for their accepted poster presentations at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Philadelphia, USA! Title of the posters and abstracts are listed below: Frost, R. L. A, Monaghan, P., & Christiansen, M. H. (2016,…

Lab Members to present at 2016 ICIS Conference

We would like to acknowledge and congratulate lab members Rebecca Frost, Gemma Taylor, Katie Twomey, Ben Malem, Matt Hilton, Shirly Ma, and Professor Gert Westermann for attending and presenting their work in the 2016 International Congress of Infant Studies held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA! They will be presenting a number of exciting new material on infant research.…

Marina Loucaides presents at the 2015 Christmas Conference

Marina will be presenting the work of her Master’s dissertation at the Christmas Conference held in the Management School on campus tomorrow (15 Dec) from 9am – 4:30pm. The agenda for the event can be found here. She examined how parental factors (e.g. demographics and personality) may influence parents’ reactions towards a potential early screening test for autism and…

Shirley Cheung attends the ASHA 2015 Convention

Shirley Cheung presented in the 2015 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention during 12-14 November held in Denver, Colorado. She presented work from her undergraduate honors thesis with Dr. Pui Fong Kan in two poster presentations and a 2-hour seminar. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Colorado Boulder examined the complexity of Cantonese-English bilingual language environments, specifically focusing…

Katie Twomey and Gert Westermann win conference paper prize

Katie Twomey and Gert Westermann have been awarded the Best Paper Prize at the Fifth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, for their paper A neural network model of curiosity-driven infant categorization. A copy of the paper is available here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katherine_Twomey