Making the transition to university

by Hannah (Student Blogger: BSc Biological Sciences)

When you first arrive at University you’ll probably be bombarded by statements from older students like, “oh I wish I was still in first year” and “ah first year’s the best year at uni”, and it is, in so many ways. That doesn’t mean that second and third, or even fourth, if you’re staying longer, aren’t great. Going into my third year now feels both incredibly daunting as well as comforting and somewhat exciting. Although first year is the best year socially and in terms of your new surroundings, it can also be notoriously difficult if you have feelings of anxiety.

It’s completely natural to feel anxious about starting university and even to feel anxious whilst you’re here. There’s a variety of changes to go through and a lot of pressures you may never even have dealt with before. Finding the perfect balance when you’re thrust into this adult world whilst still feeling like a teenager can be very difficult. Only now going into my final year do I personally feel like I’ve settled into Lancaster and know how to tackle the challenges of the coming year. Truthfully, everyone is different – you may seamlessly transition into life here, or you may find it difficult to adjust to your new-found surroundings.

There’s one thing for certain though, there’s always help available. Looking back, I wish that someone had convinced me to get help sooner rather than later. Whether it’s confidentially talking to a freshers rep, your academic advisor or a counsellor at the Base, talking to someone can always brighten things up. It’s a challenge opening up about certain things, I know, but thankfully you’ll realise that you won’t be going through this alone. Part of the journey of going to university is discovering how you work and what’s best for you. It’s been a hard two years, but I can firmly say that I’ve finally cracked it, academically and socially. Sometimes it really does feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, but the satisfaction of pulling through the other end is great.

From finding ‘friends for life’ to getting that top degree, or even just managing to do your laundry and cook for yourself, there can be a lot of high expectations built on coming to university. My best advice to you would be to not have any when you first come here. Lancaster is a truly fantastic place, but with any university experience, it’s easy to feel the pressure. Take each day as it comes, and don’t get hung up on finding any of the things you thought you would. Lancaster is built on a fantastically eclectic group of people, from a variety of different backgrounds, interested in a multitude of activities. As cliché as it sounds, being yourself really is the best way to be. You’ll find a group of people just like you, who make you happy and have the same interests, helping to make your transition here as smooth as possible.

As soon as you can, head down to the freshers fair and sign up to as many things as possible. Even if you don’t join them officially, attend the taster sessions and meet new people. Get out there as much as you can. Remember to take some time for yourself and to not let everything pile up on top of you at once – you don’t want to feel like you’re drowning. Your Lancaster experience will be what you make it; don’t waste it.


Shopping for academic success

by Melissa (Student Blogger: MA English Literature)

Whether you are just starting, or a confident student approaching your next year of study, purchasing academic materials can often feel like a chore.Nonetheless, it’s a necessary part of most subjects.

What is a reading list?

A reading list is a list of all the books that you might need during your course. You don’t necessarily need to buy all of them, and you might not even need to read all of them! If you are experiencing any confusion over which books you are expected to buy, and those which you can avoid emptying your wallet over, please check out this article on CORE, PRIMARY, and SECONDARY texts – Getting to grips with reading lists

Why is it important to purchase texts over Summer?

Purchasing early in Summer will give you plenty of time to read ahead of your course, thus giving you more time to study at a relaxed pace later, or a few extra nights on the town during term. Early reading also means that you have more time to thoughtfully consider the texts which you will later be expected to argue, explain, and reference. It can be useful to leave reminders in the margins when reading ahead of your course, this way, you won’t forget any essay ideas or questions you have for your seminars.

The First Step to preparing for the next academic year is to find out what texts you will need. The method for achieving this differs between tutors and courses, as some modules do not finalise their chosen texts until the start of the year. If this your case, I advise sending an email inquiring your tutor(s) about which texts you will be safe to buy without worry of them being swapped out by October. Asking about texts shows enthusiasm in your studies, which is sure to please your tutors as well as benefit you.

If you are lucky enough to be in a course which details its reading list in the course description (such as most Literature modules), then congratulations; you have already completed step one!

The Second Step, once you have acquired your list of materials, is time to purchase your texts. Academic books can be expensive and sometimes tutors will ask for specific editions of certain texts, so it is important to spend some time researching your texts.

It is important to note the wealth of free resources available to you as a Lancaster University student before you start buying books. You can login to the student portal to access OneSearch (at the top right of the Moodle home page) which allows you to search for texts you can read for free online through the library, or it will direct you to services such as JSTOR and EBSCO which contain various academic journals for you to peruse. Be wary that you may not need to buy all of your books, and that some older texts may even be available as royalty free pdfs accessible via popular search engines.

High street book shops can be expensive, but useful in a hurry. Our campus bookshop stocks a range of books specifically requested by tutors from the university, so if you find yourself in a tizzy because you left your primary texts by the beach, it might be worth stopping by.

Online stores are good alternatives, especially when buying second hand. Books described as containing notes often function as an echo of seminars gone by, and help me to consider particular passages from new angles outside of university seminars.

Student managed Facebook groups may also be worth searching for, as older students wanting to offload last year’s books may have materials that you can haggle for cheaper prices.

The Final Step is to start reading! Don’t push yourself too hard as it is your summer break. You might choose to leave the heavier texts for later, but any reading is a success and a chance to get ahead of your peers. I advise a cup of tea and a cookie with every chapter!

Getting to grips with reading lists

by Melissa (Student Blogger: MA English Literature)

When approaching your reading list at the beginning of the academic year, you might find yourself in some difficulty comprehending which texts you will be expected to have read completely, and those which only require you to glance over a chapter or two. Of course, all academic reading is good for broadening your mind, but prioritising your reading will help you to manage your time effectively.

To begin with, you need to differentiate which texts are CORE, PRIMARY, and SECONDARY. This is an essential task to complete before buying any of your texts, as these boundaries will determine whether a book is necessary for you to own, or whether you can get by on extracts provided by your tutors.

A CORE TEXT is a text that is deemed essential to your learning. You will probably be expected to write essays on it and will need to read it thoroughly. You should own a copy of any core texts that you will need so that you can make efficient notes on them, and have them ready to reference in seminars. ‘Owning’ a copy of a text counts as either a physical or a virtual copy. You can identify a ‘core text’ as a text which will be used in multiple weeks throughout your course.

A PRIMARY TEXT is similar to a core text, but slightly less important. Where you will almost definitely be expected to write about a core text, you have the option to choose which of your primary texts you will discuss in detail. Your primary texts can be identified as texts that you will likely spend one week on during your course. You are expected to own all primary texts, but you won’t be writing essays on every suggested book, so it’s okay to forego the odd book if you are struggling scheduling your reading time.

A SECONDARY TEXT is rarely necessary to own, and is often as little as a chapter or journal article. Secondary texts can be identified as academic critiques which you will reference in essays to explain, reinforce, or add flavour to your own ideas. They will rarely be the main focus of any week in a course, but often appear at the end of reading lists as suggestions to compliment your primary and core texts. Secondary texts tend to be on the more expensive side of university reading lists, so in most cases, it is best to wait to see if your tutor will provide you with the necessary extracts, or whether the library has any spare copies. Secondary texts are suggestions, and while you will need them, you have more freedom over which ones you decide use in your essays.

DON’T WORRY! Not all courses (Maths) have lengthy reading lists. Some courses, like Philosophy, focus on academic journals and articles rather than reading entire books cover-to-cover. If you do have a long reading list, however, it can be useful to apply these terms to your buying and reading habits. Good luck!



Essential study tools

by Ruth (Student Blogger: BA Hons History)

‘Essentials’- it’s a tricky place to start, as everyone has different tools, tricks and tips that they use for studying. But if you’re reading this hopelessly, scrambling for some sort of list to follow, in order to know at least a little of what to get, I hope this helps.

Paper and Notebooks (specifically A4 spiral bound ones)

Now, this may seem obvious but bring paper to uni. Many students underestimate the amount of notes you will make at university. While, you may be dead set on making your notes solidly only using your laptop, don’t underestimate the power of the pen and paper. I find it easier to make notes and follow lectures by physically writing it down. The words flow better and it is quicker to correct. This is why, the first essential has to be a serious amount of paper. Either in notebooks or folders, whatever you prefer. And of course, a bucket of pens to go alongside.

Coloured paper/pens/whiteboards

These are a lifesaver. Having something colourful to write on or write with is so helpful and brightens up revision and lecture notes. I personally suffer from dyslexia and this can result in a degree of sensitivity to a black and white page. Hence coloured paper, especially muted colours such as pastel blue, green or purple are a brilliant backdrop for planning essays, mind maps and writing key notes. Coloured paper is so helpful that, during revision last year, I bought coloured whiteboards. These muted coloured boards were so useful to study off as they not only lessen the glare that white paper and boards often have, but small whiteboards are endlessly helpful for revision. They are now something that I, and now after using mine, my friends, recommend massively. Although at the start of the year revision might not be something to focus on particularly, it is still important to have it at the back of your mind. Especially as some courses do regular tests, which can be intimidating without the right tools. Having a whiteboard enables you to go over key pieces of information again and again in different ways. And it also helps limit the destruction of the rainforest by not using endless amounts of paper.

Laptop- with all the software

Use this blogpost as your reminder. Take advantage of all the software you are offered by the University. One of the main software options they offer is global autocorrect, which spell checks any word you type on any application used on your laptop. This is so useful for emails and anything typed on the internet. There is also Read & Write Gold, which reads word documents and chunks of text out loud to you. I like to use this specifically for essays as getting the programme to read it out load is a way of checking sentence length, punctuation and grammar. There are so many different types of software that are on offer. Check what is out there and what caters to your particular needs.

These are the things, I only managed to get together a few months after university had started, that I wished I’d got organised before. As a result, I hope this list helps you be more organised, ready for the start of university….

Making the most of university resources





by Sara (Student Blogger: BA Hons Linguistics)

Universities operate differently to schools and colleges – no uniform is just the start of it. Take a look at the following tips to empower yourself with a few key facts before you jump in. Some key bits of know-how will free you up to worry about the really important stuff like what to wear to Sugar!


All of the resources for your degree will be available online through Moodle, AKA the Student Portal. Under ‘Modules’ you will find your courses and everything your lecturers and co-coordinators have chosen to share with you such as reading lists and documents to help with things like referencing in essays (citations will be your bestie). A scroll through Moodle might be all you need to clarify important dates or tasks. Notifications will keep you up-to-date so you don’t forget about deadlines.

The Library

The sparkly new library at Lancaster is an amazing tool if you know how to use it. Online, you can use the search tool to find out which books are available in the library as hard copies and often you can also access entire books online and download or print some chapters. To check out a book, use the search tool to find the book and which floor it is on and under which letter (the letters correspond to subjects). Take the book to a scanning station where screens sit above various trays. You will need to scan your library/ID card and then scan the barcode on the inside cover of your book, following the on-screen instructions. To return a book, simply scan the barcode again after selecting the ‘Return’ option and place it in the appropriate tray. If you feel unsure, go with some friends who have done it before or ask the staff there and soon you’ll be a pro.


You can use your library/ID card to print from any printer at the university. You can send documents from university computers directly to your printing account. The document is then stored there until you approach a printer, scan your ID card and select the document to print (although it will time out in one hour). Credit can be added to your account online by finding ‘Printing’ on Moodle under ‘Other Services’. You can also see how much your printing will cost and just how many trees you have killed which always brightens my day if I haven’t killed that many. Alternatively, there are a few machines for turning cash into printing credit around the library. You can also print from your personal computer by adding documents to the WebPrint feature online.

The App

The iLancaster app is an incredibly valuable shortcut to a bunch of places and it is constantly being updated and improved. You can use it to view detailed course and exam timetables, locate buildings around campus on a map, access your interactive transcript, the library and your printing account and see PC availability (to save you braving the walk from your flat purely on faith) amongst other features. The app will also send you announcements, like Moodle, so you are informed when new marks have been published on your transcript following assessments, for example.

In summary…

All these resources make studying at Lancaster super manageable. They might seem very foreign at first, but only at first, and you’ll become totally comfortable really quickly. If you don’t know, just ask! There are tutorials and introductions during Welcome Week as well. First year as a whole is about getting used to the cogs in the university machine and based on my experience, everyone will be happy to help you out. Good luck!

Adjusting to university life

by Catherine (Student Blogger: BSc Computer Science)

The adjustment to university life can be testing. You may think you get enough lectures at home, but at university you will have several lectures a week. It is important to aim for full attendance. That being said, if you miss the odd one, whether you’re ill or don’t remember any of last night after receiving an iconic Sugarhouse stamp, you won’t spontaneously combust. Just don’t let it become a regular occurrence. You will want to be able to enjoy your free time rather than spending it catching up and struggling to resurface from a sea of lecture notes.

Sometimes lectures can feel fast-paced and you’ll want to rush to write everything down. Don’t. Your hand won’t thank you for it and when it comes to revision for exams most people can’t revise from hundreds of pages of scrawled notes. It may take some practice, but try to note down any key points or formulas as well as anything you find interesting and would like to study further outside of the lecture.

Make a study schedule and stick to it. This may not sound very appealing as you’d much rather spend your free time on your hobbies or hanging out with friends. The extra time spent going over work will make you understand lecture content more clearly and make your future work easier, thus you will find your course material more enjoyable. You will also feel more confident in your abilities and will be saved from cramming in too much work in the weeks leading to exams.

If your course has some coursework elements, work these into your study schedule and try to start as soon as the task is set. Before you begin you can’t be sure of what issues you may encounter or if something in your personal life might set you back a day or two. Starting work the night before its due leaves you with a very short timescale to correct any errors, meaning your grades won’t be as high as they could have been had you started earlier.

You may feel well-prepared for the term with your colour-coordinated folders and more pens than students in the Gregg’s queue at lunch time, but don’t forget to consider your mental preparation. You will be more engaged in your lectures if you had a refreshing night’s sleep and feel confident for the day ahead; if you have any issues with your mental well-being contact your college’s welfare team.

At the beginning of your first year you will be appointed an academic advisor, who you should meet regularly to discuss your academic progress and any issues you are facing. Get to know your lecturers also. While it is difficult for them to remember everyone by name, if you make an impression they will know who you are. Engage in their lectures by answering questions and if you’re struggling, ask some of your own; feel confident in yourself to do so. If you get an answer wrong you may feel embarrassed, but you have no reason to be; chances are some of your fellow students would have answered the same, and so long as you didn’t accidentally call your lecturer ‘mum’ no-one will take much notice.

University is more mature and fast-paced than previous education; finding a good balance between study and leisure and having confidence in yourself are the keys to success.


Define: Independence

by Sara (Student Blogger: BA Hons Linguistics)

Independence. It’s one of those words that is so often associated with moving to university. It represents starting your own life, walking your own path, making your own mistakes and finding out who you want to be. It can be seen as either terrifying or exhilarating, can be approached with nervousness or excitement. Though we might not like to admit it, we are at university to work and so the dreaded phase ‘independent study’ comes under this theme. One big hurdle for anyone with a low number of contact hours, like me, will be finding your way around your time table independently. Most departments provide readings and suggestions for further reading or materials for seminars but you must also use your own initiative to work out what needs doing, when and how. It’s vital to stay on top of your work DURING the year so that when you sit down to revise come Easter you don’t realise ‘Oh no, I haven’t read any of this’. Not that that has happened to me this year…no, not at all… You will thank yourself for planning ahead. I have become the Queen of Lists and Plans (and All Things Involving Stationary That Are Borderline Just Procrastination) this year.


Personally, I found it hard to stay motivated and do work that I set for myself. If it hadn’t been set by an authority figure there was little fear of punishment for not reading those 15 pages on ‘the history of linguistics’. But you can try rewarding yourself instead and take breaks often. I love food. A slice of cake, a chocolate bar or some strawberries (though let’s be honest it was mostly chocolate) would sit waiting patiently whilst I did my reading or wrote out my notes in dazzling multicolour.


One massive difference between school and university is that you are less likely to have such a set structure to your learning and there isn’t that ‘home time’ feeling when you leave around 3 o’clock and your day has effectively ended. At university, I tried to set out my time so that there would be slots for exercise, eating, sleeping (definitely essential!) going out and hobbies every week. If I knew I had a 2 or 3 hour window in which to do a certain piece of work I felt like I had more direction and a sense of direction is definitely motivating. If I really didn’t feel like doing something I would postpone it. There is no use in forcing yourself to do something that you know you can’t do well.


There will be loads of things that make it hard to stick to your schedule and some of these can feel like they’re defeating you. Mental health, physical health and socialising have all been important factors to consider for me to feel in control. The best advice I could give is to take care of yourself and make a colourful poster (Sharpies are a uni must) for your goals and aims. Stick it right above your desk to keep you motivated and on task. Independence, here we come!


Independent learning doesn’t mean going it alone

You’ll have heard a lot of people saying that studying at university means becoming an independent learner. This can sound quite a daunting prospect, especially if you have received a lot of guidance and support in your studies up until now. The good news is that being an independent learner doesn’t mean doing it all on your own.

So, what is independent learning then? For starters, here are six key things you’ll be expected to do:

  1. Manage your time. You will have control over when and where you study so it’s a good idea to create a weekly timetable that suits you and helps you avoid stress. Build in time for study, for important commitments and for fun. Don’t forget to leave space for doing nothing in particular.

  1. Motivate yourself. It will be up to you to keep going, even when things are tough. Now is the time to think about your own goals and strategies and to be prepared to adjust them as time goes on. If your motivation falters, there is always someone to talk to, so don’t hesitate to contact your Student Learning Advisor or someone else you think might help.
  2. Make choices and take responsibility for your learning. You’ll be choosing your study pathway at university, depending on your interests. This can give you a feeling of great freedom, but if you find you’ve made a choice that feels wrong, make sure you talk to your Academic Tutor in your department.
  3. Find, select and use learning resources. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn how to use the library and the learning resources for your course. There’ll be information sessions and drop-ins available and you can contact your Academic Liaison Librarian at the Library at any time with a question.
  4. Think things through. You’ll be encouraged to analyse, question and think deeply about what you are learning. There will be opportunities to talk about what you are learning with others, both formally and informally. This will help you to develop a critical perspective within your subject area and to show this in your written assignments. There’s plenty of guidance about how to develop your critical thinking on the Learning Development website.
  5. Find out how to access support. Part of being independent is knowing where and how to access all the services designed to support you along the way. There is a whole range of support available at Lancaster, so do make the most of what’s on offer.

So, make the most of your freedom and get ready to try things out. Expect the experience to be challenging in unexpected ways, but keep an open mind and you’ll learn a great deal about yourself as well as your chosen subject.

Image: Tom Longman

Dealing with struggle

Starting to study at university can be a challenge for a range of reasons. It might be that you’ve found studying straightforward so far and you’ve never had to dig really deep to excel. If this is the case, you might not yet have developed familiar strategies to deal with difficulty because you may not have needed them. On the other hand, you may have already found previous study experiences a struggle and now you are afraid that you might not really ‘belong’ at university. You may be tempted to think that you got here by fluke.

These situations are not unusual and they can create negative thoughts that get in the way of developing as a learner. Here are some tips that can help when dealing with struggle:

  • Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone. Lancaster University would not be doing you any favours if the experience here did not push you to develop. Sometimes you’ll find that a new learning experience really challenges you; perhaps it will be the experience of group-work, or speaking out in seminars, or giving presentations that cause concern. When this happens, try to see the experience as a learning opportunity. Even if it feels uncomfortable at the time, students tell us that they inevitably reach a point where they were glad to have had the chance to try something new and to develop new skills as a result. However, if the experience does turn into something that feels overwhelming, do not hesitate to talk to someone such as your Academic Tutor, your Student Learning Advisor or Wellbeing Services.
  • Recognise your inner voice, especially if it tends to be negative. Challenge that inner voice and try to turn the statements round so that they are more positive. If you hear yourself saying ‘I’m not good enough’, or ‘I’ll never get this’, or ‘Everyone else knows what they’re doing’, find a way to break into those thoughts and change them. Remind yourself that you absolutely do deserve to be here, and rest assured, there are lots of other students around you who are experiencing similar feelings.
  • Recognise that intelligence is not ‘fixed’. You do not come into university as a person with ‘fixed’ ability. You come into university as a person with great potential for development. It’s up to you to develop learning strategies and make the most of the opportunities that will ensure your success.
  • Create study habits and strategies to help you develop. Think about how you will use your time, how you will approach the new knowledge, how you will develop your skills. Get some ideas from the Learning Development website for developing as an independent learner, a critical thinker and a skilled manager of your own time and resources.
  • Learn from failure. Getting lower grades than you hoped for is never a pleasant experience, but sometimes this can be where the greatest learning opportunities present themselves. Make the most of your feedback and contact your academic tutor or Student Learning Advisor to talk things through, put some strategies in place and improve for next time. Remember that, for undergraduates, the first year is an opportunity to find your feet and mistakes may well be made along the way. You are not alone in experiencing this.
  • Talk it through. There is a whole range of support available at Lancaster, so make the most of what’s on offer. Accessing support is a positive step to make and it can enrich your learning experience.

Meanwhile, the Learning Development team wish you all the best for your studies, now and in the future!

Image: Mike Zhang, Pixabay