
June 25, 2020

Things and the Mind: exploring student wellbeing in the material world

It’s been a strange year…

Just a brief update on the ongoing project that is applying a participatory design approach towards developing a graphic narrative co-created by students-volunteers, students-survey participants, student Co-I (Monika Conti), student artist (Andi Setiawan) and project PI (Dr Natasa Lackovic, Educational Research).

The project is a part of the largest student mental health network Smarten, funded by the UKRI/ESRC.

Providing there are no COVID-19 related obstacles, the project will help illuminate students’ wellbeing and their relationship to the materiality of the world that surrounds them (everyday things and environments), before and during the COVID-19 crisis.

Image by Yianni Tzan on Unsplash