Papers from LAEL PG 2014: Volume 9

Volume 9. Papers from LAEL PG 2014Published: 2015
ISSN 1756-123X

Carolina Pérez-Arredondo, Margarita Calderón-López, Hilda Hidalgo-Avilés, David Pask-Hughes

Papers from LAEL PG is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication featuring full papers from the annual Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAEL PG). There is one volume annually, published in November/December of the year following the conference. Each volume is edited by a different team of PhD students at the Department of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL), Lancaster University.

Download the whole volume, or select individual papers from the contents below.

Volume 9 Contents

Title/Author Download
Introduction to the Volume Introduction to the Volume
Phrasal verbs, “the scourge of the learner”
Emilie Riguel
Emilie Riguel
The effects of frequency of exposure, elaboration, and individual differences on incidental vocabulary learning
Muna Alshehri
Muna Alshehri
Perception, production and perceptual learning in the second language: a study of perceptual learning by L1 Bengali speakers of L2 English
Jacqueline Ingham
Jacqueline Ingham
A corpus-based investigation of the Given before New principle in Tanzanian English
Sondos Hassan Ibrahim
Sondos Hassan Ibrahim
Name-calling in Greek YouTube comments
Maria Vasilaki
Maria Vasilaki
Authors’ and Editors’ details Authors' and Editors' details