Papers from LAEL PG 2019: Volume 12

Published: 2020
ISSN 1756-123X

Ekaterina Ignatova, Humaira Jehangir, Shengnan Liu, Xiujie Huai and Yejin Jung

Papers from LAEL PG is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication featuring full papers from the annual Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAEL PG). There is one volume annually, typically published in November/December of the year following the conference. Each volume is edited by a different team of PhD students at the Department of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL), Lancaster University.

Download the whole volume, or select individual papers from the contents below.

Volume 12 Full Volume (PDF)

Volume 12 Contents

Title/Author Download
Introduction to the Volume Introduction to the Volume
Borrowing and Language Vitality Assessment: Sardinian as a Donor Language in Comparison With Māori

Gianni Onnis

Gianni Onnis
Mixed-Approach Analysis of Foreign Language Textbooks of English and French in Japan

Martina Ronci

Muna Alshehri
Visuospatial Working Memory of Serial Order in Humans and Chimpanzees: The Possible Influence of Language on Recall

Nadine Charanek

Nadine Charanek
Authors and Editors Authors' and Editors' details