Papers from LAEL PG 2008: Volume 3

Volume 3. Papers from LAEL PG 2008Published: 2009
ISSN 1756-123X

Editors: Steve Disney, Bernhard Forchtner, Wesam Ibrahim, and Neil Millar

Papers from LAEL PG is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication featuring full papers from the annual Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAEL PG). There is one volume annually, published in November/December of the year following the conference. Each volume is edited by a different team of PhD students at the Department of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL), Lancaster University.

Use the following link to download the whole volume, or select individual papers from the contents below.

Volume 3 Contents

Page Title/Author Download
1 Latinised Arabic and connections to bilingual ability
Mariam Aboelezz
24 A domain matrix view of the uses and development of BE going to + infinitive
Steve Disney
45 The acquisition of English agreement/tense morphology and copula be by L1-Chinese-speaking learners
Fu-Tsai Hsieh
60 Working memory and Chinese learners’ processing of complex English sentences
Marvin Hulin Ren
79 The discursive construction of Portuguese national identity: elite vs. lay participants discursive strategies in a phone-in radio show
Filipa Ribeiro
98 How to make a drama out of (im)politeness: (Im)politeness in The Joy Luck Club (1993)
Rong Rong
122 Exploring the linguistic landscape: the case of the ‘Golden Triangle’ in the Algarve, Portugal
Kate Torkington
146 Shape categories revealed by English quasi-classifiers-A case study of sheet
Xu Zhang
162 Contributors’ and Editors’ details