Papers from LAEL PG 2009: Volume 4

Published: 2010
ISSN 1756-123X

Grace Bota, Helen Hargreaves, Chia-chun Lai, Rong Rong

Papers from LAEL PG is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication featuring full papers from the annual Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAEL PG). There is one volume annually, published in November/December of the year following the conference. Each volume is edited by a different team of PhD students at the Department of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL), Lancaster University.

Use the following link to download the whole volume, or select individual papers from the contents below.

Volume 4 Contents

Title/Author Download
The World English Model revised: Definite article use in ICE-GB and ICE-HK
Steve Disney
The LIPS Corpus (Lexicon of Spoken Italian by Foreigners) and the acquisition of vocabulary by learners of Italian as L2
Francesca Gallina
When doing is saying: a constructional account of fare (‘to do’) as a verbum dicendi in Italian  
Caterina Guardamagna
Initial findings from a pilot Italian study of foreign language teachers’ stated language assessment knowledge-base and needs
Elizabeth M.C. Guerin
“Catch-Up Competitiveness” in Asia: On the recontextualisation of economic imaginaries  
Ralph Guth
Investigating the sensitivity of the measures of fluency, accuracy, complexity and idea units with a narrative task
Chihiro Inoue
Beyond ‘Baby English’: Stories of writing and the emergent writer identity of a first-year business studies undergraduate student
Eleanor Ka-Po Kwan
The linguistic landscapes of Chisinau : Forms and functions of urban public verbal signs in a post-Soviet setting  
Sebastian Muth and Frederik Wolf
From “I” to “You”: A look at discursive hegemony of love in Iranian love blogs
Maryam Paknahad Jabarooty
Writing in English as a second language: A study of the development of structure and modality in the argumentative genre
Irene Pascual Peña
Native or non-native? Exploring Hong Kong students’ perspectives
Chit Cheung Matthew Sung
Comparison of female and male sports hero constructions in newspaper coverage
Ayako Tominari
Focusing on article forms: A study of language transfer in CLIL contexts in Spain
Amaya Vázquez Díaz
Contributors’ and Editors’ details