Refugees Progression and Employment

REPP Project: Refugees Progression and Employment

The Higher Education European Social Fund (HE ESF) funded the REPP project, which was a three-year collaborative project that was concerned with exploring the educational and employment experiences of refugees and ‘minority ethnic’ adults who have recently settled in the UK and who have acquired higher qualifications in another country. The project involved Sussex University as the Lead Institution, Lancaster and Leeds University, and Wedgwood Memorial College, in Staffordshire.  Each institution undertook a discrete case study that explored the local context within an agreed framework of project aims.

Houghton, A. and Morrice L. (2009) Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants: Steps on the education and employment progression journey, NIACE REPP NIACE

Houghton, A. and Sethi, J. (2008) Refugees Progression and Employment NW Case Study Report, Lancaster University. REPP NW Case Study