CfPs for the next issue of PLCS (Portuguese Literary & Culture Studies) journal is now open. The issue is on Ocean Crossings, with a clear…

See a call for the “Post-H(uman) index? Politics, metrics, and agency in the accelerated academy” conference run by colleagues at Cambridge: https://cpgjcam.net/2018/08/30/cfp-post-human-index-politics-metrics-and-agency-in-the-accelerated-academy/

As guest editor, I kindly invite you to submit a paper to the VSI on Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques for BioMedical Data Analysis: Methods and Applications. ==================================== Applied…

1. Traumatized Borders: Reviving Subversive Narratives of B/Order, and Other. The project is Funded by the Academy of Finland (September 1, 2016 – August…

Dear colleagues, CfPs for the conference “Mobilities and Transformation”, which will take place on 1–2 February 2019, Salzburg, are now open. Please download the PDF Call Tagung MOVE for more…

Social Inclusion has released an issue on “Migration, Boundaries and Differentiated Citizenship ” that is fully open access: all articles are free for you and…