On Time: The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society August 29-30, 2019 Helsinki, Finland Call for papers for a panel on reproductive mobilities….

Universität Hamburg invites applications for a Research Associate in the field of global climate governance, within the Cluster of Excellence “CliCCS – Climate, Climatic Change,…

Call for papers: Staying with Speculation: Natures, Futures, Politics Global Discourse, volume 10, issue 3 Edited by Luke R. Moffat, Lancaster University (l.moffat@lancaster.ac.uk) Abstract In…

13th-15th March 2019 The Second School of Advanced Sciences in Mobilities, SPMob2019, Organized by Bianca Freire-Medeiros and Thiago Allis, SPMob2019 invites researchers at different points of their career to critically examine…

CFP: Mobilising colour in geographical research: vibrancies, saturations, and more -than- visual methods. Looking forward to some exciting conversations and discussions at IAG 2019 this…

Call for Papers for a volume to be submitted to Routledge: “Human, Intellectual and Cultural Mobilities between Africa and the Caribbean – From the Late…

New Publication: Cities, Railways, Modernities, London, Paris, and the Nineteenth Century, 1st Edition, 2019 Routledge Advances in Urban History by Carlos López Galviz Cities, Railways, Modernities chronicles the transformation that…

Dear Colleagues, The inaugural issue of http://www.berghahnjournals.com/migration-and-society has recently published! In recognition, Berghahn is offering free access to the entire issue until 1/31/19.The theme of the issue…

Cities, Urban Citizenship and the Promotion of Social Inclusion Edited by Rachel Kurian and Helen Hintjens Deadline for Abstracts: 31 March 2019 | Deadline for Articles: 30 June 2019 Social…

Arianna Dagnino’s new article, “Urban Caravanserais, Translational Practices and Transcultural Commons in the Age of Global Mobility”, has just been published by Skepsi and is…