
Full details of speakers, topics, times, and rooms can be found in FORGE’s Google Calendar. (The agenda view is most useful for this, though you may need to scroll down or click “look for more”.) Alternatively, see the individual pages for each year’s schedule.

External talks are individually scheduled and are sometimes booked for two hours (40-60 minutes for the talk, 10-20 minutes Q&A), to allow time for the talk, questions, and one-to-one chat afterwards. There is no fixed schedule for these talks.

Internal talks typically run for one hour (20-40 minutes for the talk, up 10-20 minutes Q&A), five times per term, every two weeks, in terms one and two, as follows:

Term Week
Michaelmas Term W02 W04 W06 W08 W10
Lent Term W12 W14 W16 W18 W20


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