Publications and reports

Working Papers Collection | Healthcare Mobilities & National Health Systems | A collection of working papers based on papers presented at Workshop 1.

Covid Mobilities Collection | A list of resources, commentaries, campaigns and current affairs reporting providing insight into the health context of migrants and other mobile communities during the coronavirus crisis.

Workshop ‘Shares’ | A selection of links to campaigns, reports and publications shared during the course of Workshops 2 & 3

Book Chapter | Moving target, moving parts: the multiple mobilities of the COVID-19 pandemic. By Nicola Burns, Luca Follis, Karolina Follis and Janine Morley | Drawing on the mobilities paradigm, the chapter analyses the multi-scalar forms of mobilities that characterised the initial months of the Covid-19 public health crisis in the UK.


‘The Vocabulary of Neglect’ | A poem by Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan

Keynote from Prof. Kate O’Donnell | A safe space? Supporting mobile and marginalised populations within primary care. With response from Dr Yusuf Ciftci

Keynote from Dr Tullio Prestileo | Moving the Fence: Migrants, COVID and New Obstacles to Healthcare. With response from Dr Jess Potter


A unique visual record of Workshop 3, including the roundtable discussion, created by Jack Brougham.