After DwB: 2022 and beyond

After the Doctors within Borders project concluded, the team behind it, Karolina Follis, Luca Follis, Nicola Burns and Janine Morley have continued to work on healthcare, borders and mobilities, developing publications, research bids and collaborations catalysed by the DwB workshops that took place in 2020 and 2021.

From the power of activism protesting the hostile environment in healthcare, through the role and potential of social enterprise, to the research commitments and insights of academics, medical practitioners and experts by experience, the lessons of the workshops continue to reverberate across the team’s research, teaching and engagement activities.

We are deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to our discussions over the course of the project, for every paper, every image, note and intervention. They have left a lasting impact to be acknowledged in our writings and activities in the years to come. We must also note that the bulk of the project’s work unfolded over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic and the repeated lockdowns, which calls for additional thanks for generously sharing your ideas and research in that challenging time.

To follow our work, please keep an eye on our institutional profiles and individual twitter accounts for Karolina Follis, Luca Follis and Nicola Burns. The @doctors_borders twitter account is inactive as of 2022 but it will come back alive as and when further resources become available (so please do not unfollow).

Thank you and see you out there!

Closing notes: After DwB