Ellyse Maddocks (Environment Agency)

Name: Ellyse Maddocks
Subject: BSc Environmental Science
Year Graduated: 2008
College: Pendle
Where are you now and what are you doing?
I still live in Lancaster (I loved it so much it was hard to move away) and I now work for the Environment Agency. I am the Team Leader for the Cumbria and Lancashire Analysis and Reporting team. The team investigates the quality of the Area’s waterbodies by analysing chemistry and ecology data collected from our rivers, lakes and marine environment.
What would you like to do next?
Who knows what the future might hold. There is still lot of work that the Environment Agency does that I don’t have much knowledge of, it would be good to explore more within the Environment Agency as a starting point.
Why did you choose to study at Lancaster?
I liked the structure and the variety that the Environmental Science degree course at Lancaster offered. I also loved the out of town campus and countryside surrounding the campus.
What was your favourite part of your degree and why?
I really enjoyed the field work. It allowed me to apply the theory I had learnt in lectures to real situations and who wouldn’t want to spend time in the Lakes District.
How do you think your time at Lancaster prepared you for what you’re currently doing?
Doing a science degree allowed me to have a sound technical background that means I am now able to discuss lots of different technical topics with my colleagues. In my job as a Team Leader I am not required to understand the minute details of technical topics but I do need to have a general understanding to help my team deliver their remit and disseminate this information to others.
What did you enjoy most about your time at Lancaster?
I had a brilliant time at Lancaster University. I got to meet some amazing people, some of which I am still friends with today. I also had a great time playing hockey and in particular taking part in the infamous Roses.