Targeted Support Training Pathway

targeted support PATHWAy

This pathway is aimed at providing staff with the knowledge and skills to provide targeted support to those who need. The pathway is a comprehensive offer to educational settings.

Mapping onto the Ofsted Inspection Framework and Relevant Guidance

The Targeted Support Pathway maps onto key elements of the following guidance:

Ofsted Inspection Framework: Ofsted inspectors will be interested in how monitoring ensures that individual children or groups of children with identified needs are targeted, and appropriate interventions are secured so that children receive the support they need, including through effective partnerships with external agencies and other providers.   

Department for Education (2021) Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing guidance: The physical, social and emotional environment in which staff and students spend a high proportion of every weekday has been shown to affect their physical, emotional health and mental wellbeing, as well as impact on student attainment. Relationships between staff and students, and between students, are critical in promoting student wellbeing and in helping to engender a sense of belonging to and liking of school or college.

NICE (2022) Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education guidance: The guidance recommends settings adopt a graduated approach to support; promote targeted support (including peer-to-peer support); and have robust assessment and tailored interventions for those students experiencing educational transition, significant life changes or mental health problems (including when they exist in the wider family) (1.1.18; 1.3.3; 1.3.4; 1.4.6; 1.5.2; 1.5.3; 1.5.4; 1.5.5; 1.5.6; 1.5.7).    

Department for Education and Department for Health (2015) SEND Code of Practice: Class and subject teachers, supported by the senior leadership team, should make regular assessments of progress for all pupils…[this]…can include progress in areas other than attainment (6.18; 6.19; 6.20).


Supporting Students to Cope with Change and Transition

Duration: 2 hours

Location: Microsoft Teams

What is this training about?

This session will explore the changes and transitions children and young people can experience and support you in understanding how this can affect their mood and behaviour. Transitions, such as moving school, changing class, personal loss and divorce can affect a pupil’s presentation within school. The session will offer effective, evidence-based strategies to help you to identify when a child or young person may be struggling with a transition or change, alongside how you can support them within the school environment.

What will you learn and gain from this training:

  • An introduction to a way of understanding the difficult feelings change and transition can create based on compassion, and how our brains work.
  • Learn about the different life experiences children and young people may find difficult and ways to spot when children and young people may be finding a change or transition particularly difficult.
  • Practical evidence-based strategies to help you support students respond skilfully to planned and unplanned changes and transitions.

What people have said about this training:

“I liked the helpful techniques shared and the detailed explanations of how these techniques work to support young people.”

“Wasn’t just theory but helpful strategies that can be used in school.”

“I think the breakdown of information, signposting to useful links and the various strategies with examples were all very useful.”

“I really enjoyed the course. A good level of interaction. A good introduction with practical ideas.”


Understanding Self-Harm and Suicidal Thoughts

Duration: 2 hours

Location: Microsoft Teams

What is this training about?

Knowing how to respond and talk about self-harm or suicide can sometimes feel difficult or scary. This session provides a brief introduction to what self-harm and suicide is and explores helpful ways of how we can respond as professionals. The session also explores options for support available in Lancashire for children and young people, parents and carers, and professionals working in schools and colleges.

What will you learn and gain from this training:

  • Learn about self-harm and suicidal thoughts along with what we might notice in children and young people who are experiencing these difficulties.
  • Reflect on some of the myths and misunderstandings around self-harm and suicidal ideation.
  • Evidence-based strategies to support you to talk about self-harm and suicide with pupils within your setting.
  • Understanding of external services and resources available in Lancashire.