Hollmann – Verbal deception detection: a view from linguistic theory

The FORGE is pleased to announce our upcoming internal speaker: Dr Willem Hollmann (Linguistics & English Language). Details of his talk are below:

Verbal deception detection: a view from linguistic theory

Despite the fact that verbal lie detection is a relatively recent field of inquiry, it already covers a great multitude of approaches. What all these theories have in common is the fact that they were developed by psychologists, with little or no input from linguists. Yet a consideration of the linguistic categories used in many approaches suggests that linguists may in fact be able to contribute. In this talk I will focus on one example: the deception detection method based on word classes proposed by Villar et al. (2013). I will relate their proposals to a range of views on word classes in theoretical linguistics, and point to some implications both for this particular approach to deception detection and for future collaboration in this field more generally between psychologists and linguists.

Villar, Gina, Joanne Arciuli & Helen Paterson. 2013. Linguistic indicators of a false confession. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 20:504-518.

1500-1600, Tue 23rd Feb, County South B89

All are welcome to attend.