Programme 2024-25

Term 1

21st October 2pm

MS Teams

Sole Alba Zollo (University of Napoli Federico II)

Ecoliteracy in Higher Education: how knowledge of multimodality can encourage the young generations to take ecological action

4th November **3pm**

**In person** County South B59

Zirui Xiong (Visiting Researcher, Lancaster University)

An ecolinguistic study of news reports on wildlife in China’s mainstream English-language media

18th November 2pm

MS Teams

Niamh O’Dowd (University of Oslo)

Multimodal discourse representations of the climate crisis

2nd December 2pm

MS Teams

Katy Brown (Maynooth University)

The role of media reporting in far-right mainstreaming


Term 2

27th January 2pm

MS Teams

Steve Oswald (University of Fribourg)

Are we more persuasive when we reformulate than when we argue? An experimental study

10th February 2pm

MS Teams

Manuela Romano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Discourses in conflict: The social and institutional communication of gender violence
24th February 2pm

MS Teams

María Martínez-Lirola (University of Alicante)

Exploring the use of picture books to develop emotional literacy: Compositional and interpersonal analysis of Marwan’s Journey (de Arias and Borrás, 2018) and Ziba Came on a Boat (Lofthouse and Ingpen, 2012)

10th March 2pm

**In person** County South B59

Elena Semino and Yufeng Liu (Lancaster University)

Metaphors and identities on two cancer forums