
August 11, 2016

Amy Valach (British Antarctic Survey)

Name: Amy Valach

Subject: PhD Atmospheric Sciences (Thesis:Volatile organic compound fluxes and mixing ratios in two contrasting atmospheric environments: London and the Amazon rainforest)

Year Graduated: 2015

College: Graduate

Where are you now and what are you doing?
I’m currently working as an Atmospheric Scientist at the Halley Research Station in Antarctica for the British Antarctic Survey.

What would you like to do next?
After enjoying some time travelling I would like to work on projects involving polar greenhouse and trace gas exchanges from the biosphere to the atmosphere and how these interact with climate change.

Why did you choose to study at Lancaster?
The Lancaster Environment Centre offers top teaching and research opportunities in environmental sciences in the UK.

What was your favourite part of your degree and why?
The many chances to work on collaborative projects, field work and attend summer schools and conferences, as they integrate your research into the greater picture and introduce you to the academic community.

How do you think your time at Lancaster prepared you for what you’re currently doing?
I learnt a wide range of skills from writing/presenting papers to independently maintaining scientific equipment, as well as confidence to solve complex problems.

What did you enjoy most about your time at Lancaster? (Including extra-curricular activities and beyond?
The proximity of Lancaster to the many natural parks is a big bonus, as well as the fantastic karate classes available at the university and in town.