by Eleanor Lancaster –
Air pollution has become a modern-day environmental issue stemming from the developing world, increasing global population and economic growth of the world. There has been significant increase in air pollution across developing countries (see figure 1) where rapid urbanisation and development has progressed throughout recent years, including China, creating negative, emerging issues on the environment. [1] The growth of China’s economy has led to movement of the population, creating greater demands within the city compared to the rural areas, escalating air pollution emissions. [1]

Figure 1 – World map highlighting the global particulate matter air pollution in 2016. China’s population is exposed to a high level of particulate matter, above the average along with many other developing countries worldwide.
Source: SDG Tracker and Our World in Data, CC BY-SA 4.0
Many countries including China, rely on finite resources of fossil fuels, creating an unsustainable way of living, increasing the rate at which greenhouse gases and pollutants are released into the Earth’s atmosphere, with an increased effect on the topical crisis of climate change. [1] Miao et al., (2019) found that the main factors for China’s increasing air pollution are due to industrial and traffic emissions, which release vast amounts of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide into the atmosphere, this has led to high levels of energy inefficiency. [2] The large inefficiency value found suggests that focus is now needed on tackling regulations concerning energy and the environment, particularly regarding traffic emissions, this will enable a sustainable growth within China. [2] In 2015, studies found “pollution rates of traffic Nitrogen Oxide in 21 provinces are higher than the national average”, researchers are now suggesting that traffic emissions are worsening compared to industrial emission rates. [2] China’s increased need for energy, is required to meet the worldwide demands of global production and the population. [1]
Improvement is needed worldwide to combat this environmental challenge and to create a long-term sustainability plan, in turn reducing further consequences of climate change. China is now focusing on reducing energy use in order to become, more sustainable and reduce their levels of air pollution, this has been developed through five-year plans. [1] In China’s 12th five-year plan, there is a key focus on reducing traffic emissions and nitrogen oxide, specifically seen in central China where regulations are being implemented in traffic control and parking fees to minimise vehicles within urban areas to reduce levels of energy inefficiency. [2] To reduce their energy consumption, a change is needed in technological innovation to promote renewable energy sources, this includes within the transport sector, change has started through the development of resources in fuel- cell buses as well as the growth of hybrid and electric cars in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [1]
Overall, the increased growth of air pollution has become an ever-increasing burden on the planet. An environmental crisis which has been heightened due to the development of the world. As a population, now is the time to act and educate ourselves for the future of our planet’s survival. This requires immediate action to create a more sustainable way of living, in terms of energy efficiency, transport and industry. By strengthening government regulations globally, emissions can be decreased, further reducing impacts of climate change.
[1] Jiang, P., Chen, Y., Geng, Y., Dong, W., Xue, B., Xu, B. and Li, W., (2013) Analysis of the co-benefits of climate change mitigation and air pollution reduction in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 58, pp.130-137.
[2] Miao, Z., Baležentis, T., Shao, S. and Chang, D., (2019). Energy use, industrial soot and vehicle exhaust pollution—China’s regional air pollution recognition, performance decomposition and governance. Energy Economics, 83, pp.501-514.