Exploring disabled workers' experiences of remote and hybrid working

Month: May 2024

Parliamentary impact and engagement work across the UK

Spring 2024 has seen the Inclusive Remote and Hybrid Working Study have the voices of its research participants heard across the UK’s Parliamentary landscape, from Cardiff to London via Edinburgh!

In January 2024  Dr Calum Carson contributed to the Welsh Parliament’s Equality and Social Justice Committee’s Area of Interest call on the disability employment gap, within which the Committee is interested in exploring what action government and employers can take to increase employment opportunities for disabled people and to reduce the disability pay and employment gaps. Calum suggested areas of focus that the Committee could place an emphasis on to affect change in these areas, and provided some early insights from the Inclusive Remote and Hybrid Working Study that are relevant to the Committee’s work.

Following this, in March Dr Paula Holland and Dr Calum Carson were invited to the Houses of Parliament to give evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Eye Health and Visual Impairment. Their evidence explored employer attitudes towards reasonable adjustments for blind and visually impaired people within the workplace and insights on individual experiences in this area explored throughout fieldwork for work package 1 of the study, and will help to form part of a larger report to be published by the APPG in the summer of 2024.

And finally in May, Dr Calum Carson and Rebecca Florisson were invited panelists for a roundtable event at the Scottish Parliament to discuss the findings of the report Women in Multiple Low-paid Employment: Pathways between Work, Care and Health,” conducted by researchers at the University of Glasgow and funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The report was informed in part through the emergent insights from fieldwork for the Inclusive Remote and Hybrid Working Study, discussed with the project team and other invited experts at an earlier roundtable event held at the University of Glasgow in March 2024. More information on the wider project can be found here.

With the project still ongoing and employer experiences of inclusive remote and hybrid working currently being explored, watch this space for more parliamentary engagement to come!

Fieldwork on stage 2 of the project continues

Since the beginning of March fieldwork has been ongoing on work package 2 of the study, revolving around employer perspectives of inclusive remote and hybrid working. The team are interested in the journeys that organisations have been on since the pandemic in introducing remote and/or hybrid models of work and what their experiences have been across this time, as well as hearing their thoughts on what the future is for these models of work across the UK labour market.

If you are an organisation interested in discussing your own experiences in implementing and managing remote and hybrid working within your own organisation, we would love to speak with you: please contact Dr Calum Carson at c.carson1@lancaster.ac.uk to set up a call!