Measurement of the intertablet coating uniformity of a pharmaceutical pan coating process with combined terahertz and optical coherence tomography in-line sensing

Lin H, Dong Y, Markl D, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Shen Y, Zeitler JA. Measurement of the intertablet coating uniformity of a pharmaceutical pan coating process with combined terahertz and optical coherence tomography in-line sensing. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017 Apr 1;106(4):1075-84. Abstract We present in-line coating thickness measurements Read more…

An effective variational model for simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation of blurred images

Williams BM, Spencer JA, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding S. An effective variational model for simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation of blurred images. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology. 2016 Dec;10(4):244-64. Abstract The segmentation of blurred images is of great importance. There have been several recent pieces of work to Read more…