
3. Doctorates/Supervision

  1. Elkington, J. (2014) A Kaupapa Māori supervision context – cultural and professional. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 28 (1), pp.65-73. 
  2. Grant, B. McKinley, B. (2011) Colouring the pedagogy of doctoral supervision: considering the supervisor, student and knowledge through the lens of indigeneity. Innovation in Education and Teaching International, 48 (4), pp.377-386. 
  3. Middleton, S., & McKinley, E. (2010). ‘The Gown and the Korowai: Māori Doctoral Students and the Spatial Organisation of Academic Knowledge’. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(3), 229–43.
  4. Manathunga, C. (2017) Intercultural doctoral supervision: the centrality of place, time, and other forms of knowledge. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 16 (1), pp.113-124. 
  5. Mwasheka Nghikefelwa, J., Wyld, F., Wisker, G. (2022) Creating and Curating: three voices from Namibia, Australia, and the UK on decolonising the literary related doctorate. In: Moncrieffe, M.L. (Ed) Decolonising Curriculum Knowledge: International Perspectives, Interdisciplinary Approaches.  Dordrecht: Springer
  6. Pihama, L., Lee-Morgan, J., Tuhiwai Smith, L., Tiakiwai, S.J., Seed-Pihama, J. (2019) MAI Te Kupenga: Supporting Māori and Indigenous doctoral scholars within Higher Education. AlterNative, 15 (1), pp.54-61. 
  7. Trudgett, M. (2011) Western places, academic spaces and indigenous faces: supervising Indigenous Australian postgraduate students. Teaching in Higher Education, 16 (4), pp.389-399. 

4. Education

  1. Ahmed, S. (2000) Strange Encounters : Embodied Others in Post-Coloniality. Abingdon: Routledge.
  2. Ahmed, S. (2007). A phenomenology of whiteness. Feminist Theory, 8(2), 149-168. Aikman, S. (2011) Educational and indigenous justice in Africa, International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 15-22.
  3. Andrews, N. and Okpanachi, E. (2012) Trends of epistemic oppression and academic dependency in Africa’s development: the need for a new intellectual path. Journal of Pan African Studies, (Vol. 5, Issue 8)
  4. Barreto, José-Manuel. “Epistemologies of the South and Human Rights: Santos and the Quest for Global and Cognitive Justice.” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, 2014, pp. 395–422. JSTOR
  5. Ess, C. Computer-mediated colonization, the renaissance, and educational imperatives for an intercultural global village. Ethics and Information Technology 4, 11–22 (2002).
  6. Gorski, P. C. (2008). Good intentions are not enough: a decolonizing intercultural education. Intercultural Education, 19(6), 515–525.
  7. Keating, A. (1995/12//). Interrogating “whiteness,” (de)constructing “race”. College English, 57(8), 901.
  8. Martin, B., Stewart, G., Watson, B. K., Silva, O. K., Teisina, J., Matapo, J., & Mika, C. (2019). Situating decolonization: An Indigenous dilemma. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52(3), 312–321.
  9. Mignolo, W.D., and Walsh, C,E, (2015). On Decoloniality : Concepts, Analytics, Praxis, Durham: Duke University Press.
  10. Mudaly, R., Sanjigadu, R. (2022) Epistemic Journeying across Abyssal Lines of Thinking: Towards Reclaiming Southern Voices. Education as Change, vol: 26, p.1-29
  11. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. (2018) Epistemic Freedom in Africa : Deprovincialization and Decolonization. Abingdon: Routledge.
  12. Patel, Leigh. (2015) Decolonizing Educational Research : From Ownership to Answerability. Abingdon: Routledge.
  13. Rizvi, F. (2007). Postcolonialism and Globalization in Education. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 7(3), 256-263

Higher Education

  1. Baffoe, M., Asimeng-Boahene, L., & Ogbuagu, B. C. (2014). ‘Their Way or No Way: “Whiteness” as Agent for Marginalizing and Silencing Minority Voices in Academic Research and Publication’. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(1), 13–32.
  2. Bhambra, G. K., Gebrial, D., & Nişancıolu, K. (2018). Decolonising the University. London: Pluto Press.
  3. Bhopal, K. (2017). ‘Addressing Racial Inequalities in Higher Education: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice’. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(13), 2293–99.
  4. Buggs, S. G., Sims, J. P., & Kramer, R. (2020). ‘Rejecting White Distraction: A Critique of the White Logic and White Methods in Academic Publishing’. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(8), 1384–1392.
  5. Connell, R. (2007) Southern Theory : The Global Dynamics of Knowledge in Social Science, Abingdon: Routledge.
  6. Heleta, S. (2016). ‘Decolonisation of Higher Education: Dismantling Epistemic Violence and Eurocentrism in South Africa’. Transformation in Higher Education, 1(1).
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  10. Morreira, S. (2017). ‘Steps Towards Decolonial Higher Education in Southern Africa? Epistemic Disobedience in the Humanities’. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 52(3), 287–301.
  11. Mbembe, A. J. (2016). ‘Decolonizing the University: New Directions’. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 15(1), 29–45.
  12. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2020). The cognitive empire, politics of knowledge and African intellectual productions: reflections on struggles for epistemic freedom and resurgence of decolonisation in the twenty-first century. Third World Quarterly, 42(5), 882–901.
  13. Raghuram, R., Breines,M.R., Gunter, A. (2020) Beyond #FeesMustFall: International students, fees and everyday agency in the era of decolonisation, Geoforum, Volume 109, Pages 95-105,
  14. Schalk, A., & Kahn, P. (2021). ‘Understanding the Challenges Entailed in Decolonising a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Case Study of a Research-Intensive South African University’. Teaching in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives. 26(7–8), 969–985.
  15. Tate, S. A., & Bagguley, P. (2017). ‘Building the Anti-Racist University: Next Steps’. Race Ethnicity and Education, 20(3), 289–99.
  16. Trahar, S. (2019). ‘Snow White, a Mirror, and Whiteness: Entangling Thoughts in Metaphors’. Innovations in Narrative and Metaphor, 149-165. London: Springer.
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  18. Jamil, U. (2022) Racial Politics and the Postracial University. Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology. 5 (4), 88-105.