Quentin Tarantino? Tentin Quarantino.

by Safiya (Student blogger:BA English Literature)

One of the first puns to rise up as the world went into lockdown was of course immaculate wordplay on the name of the Oscar-winning director. While the façade of the internet and its many musings provide momentary laughter and escape for many people during difficult times, this time, it’s a little different. The whole world is breathing synchronously (albeit safely via masks, I hope) and for many of us, we really are in the same boat. This unprecedented time has brought about much confusion regarding our future, many anxieties regarding the present and great nostalgia regarding the past. But in which ways we can most productively use this time?


With events unfolding day by day, it is important to remain informed with trustworthy and reliable sources. Don’t overdo it, and steer clear of sensationalising tabloids and social media posts.


As bewildering and unreal as it may seem, we are living through a monumental period in history. Journaling about our lives during self-isolation, quarantine, lockdown, and taking note of the current world events will not only provide incredible evidence of our inner worlds for future generations, but diaries and correspondences are one of the best evidences, especially during times like this. Writing as a form of self-expression is also widely acknowledged to be deeply therapeutic.


Time is of the essence, and it is at our disposal. It couldn’t be a better time to try something new or engage in a longstanding interest. If academically engaging material is your forte, Harvard University (among others) are offering dozens of free online courses for people to engage with at their own pace that can also be verified with certificates. Learning a new language couldn’t be easier with apps such as Babbel and Rosetta Stone, and instead of spiralling on a random YouTube binge, why not engage with videos that can brush up your culinary skills?


If it’s a book that you’ve always been meaning to read, a hobby that you’ve lost engagement with over the years, or a subject that you’ve always wanted to be an expert in, now’s your time to finally engage at full power.


The idle mind is the devil’s workshop, and as many of us will have submitted our final assignments and exams, our time will be free of any academic work for the rest of summer. However, this unoccupied time may result in feeling anxious about past engagements. As important as it is to forgive others, it’s essentially as important to forgive yourself. Let it go. Move on. Never think about it again. Acknowledging how you feel is important and writing down what happened and how you feel about it, then ripping it up and throwing it away can actually work. Ed Sheeran has been known to do it, and if this method works for one of the most successful artists of all time, it can surely work for anyone.


For those at home, this may be the first time in many years that every member of your family is under the same roof, and it’s a blessing to be able to reconnect with everyone. For those away from home, stay in touch with family and friends on a regular basis, and know that you are not alone!

Everyone will be missing many aspects of their usual day-to-day lives. Friends. Football. Trains. Cinemas. Cafes. The list goes on, but so does our lives. ‘The world has slowed so you can rediscover yourself.’ Take it easy, and make good use of this time!