Finding the balance: 5 things that will make your Lancaster Uni life easier!

By Navesh (Student Blogger: MSc Business Analytics)

Haven’t eaten a proper meal in days? Don’t have a plan on how to write that 3000-word essay? Feel overwhelmed? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions – you may want to try out some of my “Lancaster Uni hacks!”

With coursework deadlines and the daunting task of settling back into the Uni life again after the holidays, even the simplest things, like eating, look like impossible tasks. But with some smart planning and help from your friends, you can make the dreary long and rainy nights of winter cheerful and productive.

It is important to understand what is holding you back from achieving your full potential and work on them. Here are 5 tips that just might do the trick!

  1. Sunshine! – It has been proven in various studies that sunshine helps you feel better (check out Healthline’s report). There are quite a few places in the Uni where you get bright sunshine. The Duck pond near PG Statistics Building is a great place for starters! Go out on an afternoon and take a deep breath. Being a little close to nature helps with the stress. The sports centre and Transitions Team also do weekly walks in term time.
  2. Meditate – There are plenty of programs running on campus and you can always drop by to get some advice on how to assimilate all that energy. At the Chaplaincy Centre there is the Buddhist Meditation Room that offers a Zen Meditation Hour in term time. Click Here to get the details. A meditating session just might be the thing to reignite the genius in you.
  3. Dogs to the rescue – Puppies are the best and watching our K9 friends play has some magical effect on us. You will be surprised at how many dog friendly beaches are near Lancaster University. Click Here to get details of the beaches near our Uni. A day at the beach with dogs to play around is a day well spent! You can also help at a local animal sanctuary and walk the dogs, or volunteer for cat cuddles.
  4. Eat well – with a ton of options on campus but very little to spend, eating healthy and regularly can be a challenge. But there are always people ready to help on the internet! I find going to YouTube and searching “Dorm Cooking” to come up with some fast healthy and cheap options! There are “all-you-can-eat” lunch deals in Pizzetta Republic which one can enjoy!
  5. Cut down on the Booze – It’s Friday! “every week” but the deadlines and the grades are forever. What we don’t realise is that Friday night eats up the entire Saturday with a hangover. Try something different – cut down on the booze. One great idea is to have Pot lucks because cooking together is fun. You can spend time with your friends and flatmates when it is raining outside, while having an excellent meal, and unlike other Saturdays, you will have an awesome feast of leftovers rather than a hangover!