Uncertain Climates: An Interdisciplinary Roundtable

CSS, in collaboration with the Centre for Mobilities Research, is pleased to invite colleagues to join an interdisciplinary hybrid roundtable event on the topic of ‘Uncertain Climates’. The event will take place from 4pm to 5.15pm on Friday January 17th.

Chaired by Dr. Rolien Hoyng (Dept of Sociology, Lancaster University) and Dr. Andy Yuille (LEC, Lancaster University), the event will feature contributions from:

  • Prof. Hannah Knox (Social Anthropology, University of Manchester)
  • Dr. James Keeble (LEC, Lancaster University)
  • Dr. Nils Markusson (LEC, Lancaster University)
  • Dr. Jen Southern (LICA, Lancaster University)

Uncertain Climates: An Interdisciplinary Roundtable

The climate crisis confronts us with uncertainty and is negotiated through a host of speculative technical epistemologies and apparatuses. However, rather than resolving uncertainty, it is translated and reconfigured, and it reverberates across social contexts. The dominant impulse has been to double down on certainty. But what consequences do discourses of certainty have and how do we understand the ethical possibilities of the uncertain?

At a time of flourishing new and old climate scepticisms, a wildly interdisciplinary panel combining speakers from atmospheric science, social science and art will reflect on this question.

Event details

  • Time: 4pm to 5.15pm on Friday January 17th
  • Attend in person in the Management School, Lecture Theatre 14
  • Attend online, via Teams. Email j.deville@lancaster.ac.uk for the meeting link

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

Uncertain Climates: An Interdisciplinary Roundtable
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