CSS Board

The Centre is led by the CSS board, the CSS Director, and the CSS Deputy Director. The CSS Director and Deputy Director are appointed by the Board. Board members are expected to attend board meetings unless they have other commitments, in which case they are expected to send their apologies in advance where possible.

Board meetings are minuted, with minutes circulated to board members after meetings.

The composition of the CSS board aims to reflect the CSS’ values, including ensuring that the board is diverse in its composition and represents voices from different faculties, departments and career stages. The size of the board may vary, with CSS board collectively determining changes to its size. If there are vacant positions on the board, the CSS issues an invitation to CSS members to volunteer to join the board. If more volunteers come forward than there are vacant board positions, the CSS board collectively agrees who shall join the board.

Board decisions are ideally arrived at by consensus, however can, if required, be decided upon by a vote of all board members. If voting takes place in a board meeting, absent board members should be given the option to cast their vote by email. Absent board members should be notified of what needs to be voted upon by email and given no less than 7 days to return their vote, if they wish to.

CSS Members

The Centre is supported by members, based at Lancaster. Members are encouraged to attend CSS events and to support the Centre in their activities (e.g. by including the Centre in funding applications, inviting colleagues to join CSS events, publicise CSS research). Members are also invited to attend board meetings, although attendance is optional, and no apologies need to be sent if a CSS member is unable to attend.

CSS Affiliates

CSS Affiliates include former visitors to the Centre and colleagues who were based at Lancaster but who have now either left the university or retired. CSS Affiliates are kept updated about CSS activities, but play no direct role in its goverance.

Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Centre for Science Studies has a zero tolerance approach to bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. The centre adheres to Lancaster University’s policy available here: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/bullying-harassment-and-sexual-misconduct-policy/

This policy applies to all staff affiliated with the university in any capacity and all staff must abide by these policies when carrying out any roles or duties or when visiting any other institutions.

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