Note: we aren’t actively organising talks in term 3, but will have regular lab meetings (more info via lab mailing list). Here is some information about phonetics talks organised elsewhere in the department/university this term:
Márton Sóskuthy (York): The coevolution of word usage patterns and word durations in New Zealand English. Thursday 28th April, 12-1pm (Fylde D28). [organised by Psychology department]
- Sam Hellmuth (York): What a difference a rise makes: Intonational variation in English and Arabic dialects. Thursday 28th April, 5-6pm (Furness LT3). [organised by LAEL Society]
Week 1 (Tuesday 12th January, 4pm): Talk by Patrycja Strycharczuk (Queen Margaret University)
- Venue: C89 County South
Week 2 (Wednesday 20th January, 1pm): Talk by Padraic Monaghan (Lancaster University, Department of Psychology)
- Title: Does sound symbolism exist outside the laboratory?
- Abstract: http://ling.lancs.ac.uk/event/5396
- Joint talk with SLLAT and CogLing research groups
*Week 2 (Thursday 21st January, 3pm): UCREL talk by Roger K. Moore (University of Sheffield)
- Title: On speaker-listener-environment coupling: Implications for computational models of spoken language
- Abstract: http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/crs/presentation.php?id=117
- Hosted by UCREL
*Week 4 (Thursday 4th February, 3pm): LTRG talk by Luke Harding (Lancaster University)
- Title: Listening to an unfamiliar accent: research plan discussion
- Venue: C89 County South
- Hosted by Language Testing Research Group
Week 5-10: Reading group sessions
- Details will be circulated via Lab mailing list
Meetings generally take place at 1-2pm on Wednesdays in B35, County South (except when marked below with a *). You’re more than welcome to bring along your own lunch if you like.
Week 1 (Wednesday 7th October, 1pm): Introductions and lab tour
- This will be a friendly introduction meeting where everyone gets to meet each other, as we have some new people joining! We’ll also have a short tour of our lab’s facilities.
- Venue: B35, County South
Week 2: [no meeting]
- No meeting: Sam giving talk in London
Week 3: (Wednesday 21th October, 1.30pm): Talk by Roy Alderton, Lancaster University
- Title: The effect of visual speaker gender on the perception of high back vowel fronting in Southern Standard British English
- Venue: Bowland North Seminar Room 19
Week 4 (*Monday 26th October, 3.30pm): Talk by James Brand, Lancaster University (Psychology)
- Title: The changing influence of sound-symbolism during vocabulary development
- Venue: B89 County South
Week 5 (*Wednesday 4th November, 4pm): Talk by Erica Gold, University of Huddersfield
- Title: What can Bayes do for you? Using phonetic and linguistic evidence in the courtroom
- Venue: Frankland Colloquium
- Joint event with Forensic Linguistics Research Group
- Abstract: http://ling.lancs.ac.uk/event/5445/
Week 6 (Wednesday 11th November, 1pm)
- No meeting
Week 7 (Wednesday 18th November, 1pm)
- Reading group: D’Onofrio, Annette (2015) Persona-based information shapes linguistic perception: Valley Girls and California vowels. Journal of Sociolinguistics 19(2): 241-256.
Venue: B35 County South
Week 8a (Monday 23rd November, 5pm): LAEL Society talk by Dominic Watt (York)
- Title: Vocal tracks: Speech analysis as forensic science
- Venue: Furness Lecture Theatre 1
Week 8b (Wednesday 25th November, 1pm)
- Reading group: Fred Cummins (2009) Rhythm as entrainment: The case of synchronous speech. Journal of Phonetics 37: 16-28.
- Venue: B35 County South
Week 9 (Wednesday 2nd December, 1pm)
- Reading group: Hay et al 2015
- Venue: B35 County South
Week 10: [no meeting]
- No meeting: MA graduation
- Lab christmas party will take place during this week (TBC)