Funded PhD opportunity at the University of Brighton: Generational re/imaginings of automobile futures in transport industry and policy and in everyday mobilities: Please see here…

The Department of Science & Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) invites applications for an incoming Ph.D. student with interests in the intersections of…

Funded PhD opportunity at the University of Brighton: Generational re/imaginings of automobile futures in transport industry and policy and in everyday mobilities https://www.brighton.ac.uk/research-and-enterprise/postgraduate-research-degrees/funding-opportunities-and-studentships/2019-scdtp-reimaginings-automobile-futures.aspx

Three year full-time funded PhD Studentship “The challenge of urban inequality to promote health, wellbeing and sustainable travel behaviour” Eligibility:Home/EU and International Students Bursary:£15,000…