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Nia Jones

PhD: Dispersal of microplastics in the marine environment

School of Ocean Sciences
Bangor University
Email Nia Jones



I was first able to engage in environmental research by studying for a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Geography degree at Cardiff University. Here is where I gained a broad training in the environmental sciences with a particular interest in marine science and human impacts on the environment. During my time as an undergraduate I was able to conduct a dissertation on the habitat preference of the invasive red lionfish with an exciting remote fieldwork element off the coast of Honduras. I was also fortunate enough to gain a place on the competitively funded CUROP (Cardiff University Research Opportunity Programme) looking at public perceptions of bathing water quality around the Severn Estuary with the Severn Estuary Partnership. It is these research experiences among others that have developed my interest in environmental research.

Over the past few years, I have also developed a passion for science communication and engagement. I believe as scientists we have a duty to not only to conduct research, but also explain it to wider audiences while communicating how necessary and fun it can be! I am a keen campaigner for the environment and try to incorporate scientific elements into all of my outreach activities whether it be TV, radio, in person or on social media! Whether presenting in a science festival, pub or through TV and radio my love of outreach continues to grow and I hope to continue these activities throughout my PhD.

For my PhD I am looking into the dispersal of microplastic throughout the marine environment hoping to gain a greater understanding of microplastic sources, pathways and sinks through using numerical modelling tools to aid my research. I am hoping to include a fieldwork element to this element through studying the Mersey estuary and the North Wales coastline, hopefully adding a interesting local perspective to the project.


See the below infographic for more information about Nia’s exciting research. This was created by Nia during an Infographics training course delivered by Infohackit and organised by Envision.

This image shows Nia's research in a pictorial way