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What’s Next After Your PhD?

Envision DTP and STARS CDT students were brought together to take part in a Careers Training Day ‘What’s Next After Your PhD?’. This training was held at Lancaster University on the 23rd January 2018 with 28 attendees taking part.

The day was split into two parts with the morning sessions on planning your immediate future. Megan Webb, Research Development Co-ordinator from Centre for Ecology and Hydrology kicked the day off talking to the students about ‘Finishing your PhD on time’. This was followed on by a session from Simon Vaukins, Faculty Graduate School Manager from Lancaster University discussing ‘What to expect from your viva’.

The afternoon concentrated on finishing up and moving on. Elaine Davies, a Career Consultant from Lancaster University reviewed the different types of CVs and we finished up the day with a panel Q&A including an Early Career Researcher Dr Robert Mills, Senior Research Associate, Lancaster Environment Centre and two people from industry early in their careers Dr Adam Freer, Catchment Management Scientist, Severn Trent and Dr Andrew Smith, Isotope Geochemist, British Geological Survey.

Thank you to everyone who took part in order to make this day a success.