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ALGAR, A. & TARR, S. 2018. Fossils, phylogenies and the evolving climate niche. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2, 414-415.

BLOCKLEY, S., CANDY, I., MATTHEWS, I., LANGDON, P., LANGDON, C., PALMER, A., LINCOLN, P., ABROOK, A., TAYLOR, B., CONNELLER, C., BAYLISS, A., MACLEOD, A., DEEPROSE, L., DARVILL, C., KEARNEY, R., BEAVAN, N., STAFF, R., BAMFORTH, M., TAYLOR, M. & MILNER, N. 2018. The resilience of postglacial hunter-gatherers to abrupt climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1.

BROWN, C., BOYD, D., SJÖGERSTEN, S., CLEWLEY, D., EVERS, S. & APLIN, P. 2018. Tropical Peatland Vegetation Structure and Biomass: Optimal Exploitation of Airborne Laser Scanning. Remote Sensing, 10, 671.

GIRKIN, N., TURNER, B., OSTLE, N., CRAIGON, J. & SJOGERSTEN, S. 2018. Root exudate analogues accelerate CO2 and CH4 production in tropical peat. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 117,48-55.

GIRKIN, N., VANE, C., TURNER, B., OSTLE, N. & SJOGERSTEN, S. 2017. Plant regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon lability in a Neotropical peatland. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19, 9007.

HADJ-HAMMOU, J., LOISELLE, S., OPHOF, D. & THORNHILL, I. 2017. Getting the full picture: Assessing the complementarity of citizen science and agency monitoring data.(Research Article). PLoS ONE, 12, e0188507.

HEWITT, S., FOSTER, D., DYER, P. & AVERY, S. 2016. Phenotypic heterogeneity in fungi: Importance and methodology. Fungal Biology Reviews, 30, 176-184.

LONG, S., JONES, P., RANDRIANA, Z. & HADJ-HAMMOU, J. 2017. Governance analysis of a community managed small-scale crab fishery in Madagascar: novel use of an empirical framework. Marine Policy.

MAGNALL, N., JAMES, M., TUFFEN, H. & VYE-BROWN, C. 2016. Similarities in basalt and rhyolite lava flow emplacement processes. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18.

MAGNALL, N., JAMES, M., TUFFEN, H. & VYE-BROWN, C. 2017. Emplacing a Cooling-Limited Rhyolite Lava Flow: Similarities with Basaltic Lava Flows. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5.

MCLACHLAN, P., CHAMBERS, J., UHLEMANN, S. & BINLEY, A. 2017. Geophysical characterisation of the groundwater-surface water interface. Advances in Water Resources, 109, 302-319.

MONDAIN-MONVAL, T. & SHARP, S. 2018. Burrow depth, carbon dioxide and reproductive success in Sand Martins Riparia riparia – Research Portal | Lancaster University. 14th March 2018 [Online]. Available:

RIPPETH, T., VLASENKO, V., STASHCHUK, N., SCANNELL, B., GREEN, J., LINCOLN, B. & BACON, S. 2017. Tidal Conversion and Mixing Poleward of the Critical Latitude (an Arctic Case Study). Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 12349-12357.

SCANNELL, B., RIPPETH, T., SIMPSON, J., POLTON, J. & HOPKINS, J. 2017. Correcting Surface Wave Bias in Structure Function Estimates of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 34, 2257-2273.

SIBBETT, L., CHAMBERS, J., LI, B. & WILKINSON, P. 2017. Total Generalised Variation: An improved regulariser for Electrical Resistivity Tomography inversion. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19, 14348.

SILK, M., CROWLEY, S., WOODHEAD, A. & NUNO, A. 2018. Considering connections between Hollywood and biodiversity conservation – Silk – – Conservation Biology – Wiley Online Library. Conservation Biology.

SWANN, G. E. A., KENDRICK, C. P., DICKSON, A. J. & WORNE, S. 2018. Late Pliocene marine pCO2 reconstructions from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean – Swann – – Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology – Wiley Online Library.

UPTON, A., VANE, C. H., GIRKIN, N., TURNER, B. L. & SJÖGERSTEN, S. 2018. Does litter input determine carbon storage and peat organic chemistry in tropical peatlands? Geoderma, 326, 76-87.

VIEROD, A., GUINOTTE, J. & DAVIES, A. 2014. Predicting the distribution of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the deep sea using presence-background models. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99, 6-18.

WEISSFLOG, A., MARKESTEIJN, L., LEWIS, O., COMITA, L. & ENGELBRECHT, B. 2018. Contrasting patterns of insect herbivory and predation pressure across a tropical rainfall gradient – Weissflog – 2018 – Biotropica – Wiley Online Library. BioTropica: The Scientific Journal of the ATBC, 50, 302-311.