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Royal Yachting Association Level 2 Powerboat Handling Training

Additional funding from Envision allowed me to undertake training in powerboat handling at Preston Marina. My project looking at the environmental impacts of floating solar panels on lakes and reservoirs will have a fieldwork component requiring me to access a water body using a boat. A health and safety requirement of using a boat for fieldwork is that proper training has been undertaken.

I am now familiar with the handling of a power boat, man overboard recovery, securing a buoy and driving at planing speed. Of particular importance was parking, a skill that takes some practice! Theory was also covered in terms of ‘rules of the road’ and navigation.

Giles Exley RYA Power Boating Certificate

I found the two days of training highly enjoyable and successfully passed. I now feel competent with boat handling and look forward to putting my new skills to good use during fieldwork.

Giles Exley, Envision PhD Student