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R4All Course: Getting Started with R

Location: Lancaster House Hotel

Date: 21-25th May 2018

Envision held a course for PhD students on Getting Started with R. This was run by Dylan Childs and Andrew Beckerman from R4All.

The aim of the course was to help with the initially steep learning curve associated with R and to provide an accurate, repeatable, and efficient quantitative environment for graduate studies. The course covered the following topics over the 5 days:

  • Computer set up and organisation for good practice
  • Importing, exploring and graphing data (ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, and base graphics);
  • Linear Models (Regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA)
  • Generalised Linear Models (logistic and poisson regression)

The course is largely based around the book, Getting Started with R: An Introduction for
Biologists (2nd Edition).