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Undergraduate research experience placement in peatlands ecology at Bangor University

Paid summer placement opportunity

A funded opportunity is available for an undergraduate student (subject to eligibility, see below) to be part of the Bangor Wetlands Group research during the summer 2017. The opportunity is part of the research of Dr Juanita Mora-Gomez with Professor Chris Freeman, and will focus on peatland sensitivity to drought across contrasting latitudinal zones. The work will run from the last week in July until the end of September (flexible), and will be supported by a student stipend of £200 per week supported by the Envision Research Experience Placement (REP) Scheme

The opportunity will provide on trace gas collection techniques (CO2, N2O and CH4), Gas Chromatography, standard methodologies of enzyme activities, data analyses, and general peat soil ecology.

If you wish to gain insight and experience in ecology, grow and develop your CV, all whilst earning some money, send a short (less than one A4 page) letter of motivation to by the end of May. If you need further details, or to discuss the opportunity, please drop us a line by email.

Prof C Freeman & Dr J Mora-Gomez

School of Biological Sciences,

Bangor University


Please note the following eligibility criteria. Applicants should:

  • be studying for an undergraduate degree in a quantitative discipline outside of NERC’s scientific remit (e.g. mathematics, statistics, computing, engineering, physics)
  • be applying for a placement in a different department to their undergraduate degree,
  • be undertaking their first undergraduate degree studies (or integrated Masters),
  • be expected to obtain a first or upper second class UK honours degree,
  • be eligible for subsequent NERC PhD funding (i.e. UK, EU or right to remain in the UK.