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Sarah Bond

PhD: Demographic consequences of variation in individual foraging strategies of northern fulmars

School of Ocean Sciences
Bangor University

Email Sarah Bond

I studied biology at the University of Manchester, graduating in 2013.  I then worked as a research assistant for OxNav research group on Skomer Island, using Manx shearwaters to study behavioural questions relating to navigation and the coordination of breeding.  More recently I completed my MSc at the University of Exeter, where I studied pre-breeding behaviour in Balearic shearwaters by using salt-water immersion data to identify sex differences in colony visitation.

Research Project:

My PhD research aims to examine individual foraging strategies in the Northern fulmar and relate them to the population as a whole.  I plan to use a combination of demographic data, geolocator data and accelerometry data in order to assess the energetic costs of foraging at different scales and under different environmental conditions.  This will allow me to examine foraging as single process and in the wider context of how a wide-ranging marine predator may respond to a changing environment over time.