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Sam Robinson

PhD: Logging impacts on forest soil biodiversity and function in Borneo

Lancaster University

Email Sam Robinson

I completed a Masters in Ecology and Conservation at Lancaster Environment Centre, through which I developed a particular interest in effects of tropical land-use change on biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem services, including global climate systems. My dissertation focussed on the mutual influences of soil characteristics and plant community development, and recuperation of ecosystem carbon stocks during secondary succession in Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro state.

Research Project:

I am currently studying for a PhD at Lancaster University and CEH Lancaster, investigating the impacts of logging on above- and belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in Borneo. My work contributes to the larger BALI collaborative project (Biodiversity And Land Use Impacts on Tropical Ecosystem Function:, under the NERC Human Modified Tropical Forests Programme. Specifically I am looking at how disturbance can affect mycorrhizal communities – symbiotic fungi-tree associations – as well as the effects of man-made forest gaps on microclimate, nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics.

View a video I created in partnership with Mair Perkins Ltd, explaining my research.