This industrial CASE studentship is a unique opportunity to develop innovative science in the field of organic geochemistry and risk-based land management of post-industrial brownfield sites affected by contamination. The CASE studentship attracts an increased stipend and expenses for laboratory equipment, consumables, travel and conference attendance.
You will be working with a supervisory team of globally acknowledged thought leaders at the British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham and WSP|PB , an international geoenvironmental consultancy, in order to develop in vitro laboratory methods to measure the dermal bioavailability of organic soil contaminants and associated physico-chemical soil properties. You will apply your findings to predictive numerical modelling to improve the current understand geochemical process controls on the release of organic soil contamination into and through skin.
This CASE studentship includes a minimum 3 month internship at WSP | PB and you will benefit from an extensive training programme within the University of Nottingham and the British Geological Survey. On-the-job training at BGS will include sample preparation, extraction and clean-up, gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS/MS), infrared spectroscopy and physico-chemical characterisation methods. Structured training from the University of Nottingham will include PhD courses and specialist post-graduate courses on risk assessment. BGS will provide courses on statistics and modelling. You will be strongly encouraged to attend and present at international conferences.
The research outcomes will facilitate the development of housing on more challenging UK contaminated brownfield sites. The impacts of the studentship will include reduced conservatism in human health risk assessment (required for all brownfield redevelopment projects), avoiding unnecessary remediation and the increasing the construction of new homes. The applied and topical nature of the PhD means that this research project will provide you with an excellent chance of post-study employment in academia, government or the private sector.
The applicant will hold a minimum of a UK Honours Degree at 2:1 level in subjects such as Chemistry, Environmental Geoscience or Natural Sciences. A post-graduate qualification is desirable as is some industrial experience. A strong foundation in chemistry would be advantageous. Competition will be strong so the highest calibre candidates are encouraged to apply.
For further details please contact Dr Darren Beriro (