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Emma Gray

PhD: Measuring and Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on Cyanobacteria in Lakes

Room A44
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Lancaster Environment Centre
Library Avenue


Email Emma Gray

I completed my undergraduate degree in Physical Geography at Lancaster University where I focussed on topics including lakes, rivers and coastal systems. I then went on to complete an MSc in Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction at The University of Manchester. My undergraduate and masters dissertations focused on different water quality issues in the Lake District and Pennines, respectively.

Research Project:

My PhD research focuses on trying to understand the effects of different meteorological conditions on cyanobacterial growth in lakes in the Lake District, Cumbria. The frequency of cyanobacterial blooms are expected to increase with climate change and lake eutrophication which could cause a deterioration in water quality and poses a health risk. This will be investigated by modelling the impacts of different meteorological conditions on lake dynamics and the subsequent impact on phytoplankton compositions. Regular fieldwork to obtain phytoplankton samples and measurements such as vertical temperature profiles will also be carried out to see how phytoplankton communities and lake dynamics are influenced by present day meteorological conditions.
