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Communicating science at Unearthed; Edinburgh, ‘the free interactive showcase were people can explore the tools used to make science happen and see the extraordinary work of our scientists’

In mid-November 2017, under the shadow of Arthur’s Seat, over 100 scientists convened at Dynamic Earth for four days of exciting and inspiring the people of Edinburgh and surrounding towns about environmental research. This was the Natural Environment Research Council’s ‘UnEarthed: Explore the World at Your Feet ’ event.

In amongst stands where you could try out making an earthquake (with the British Geological Survey ); meet a giant puffin and discover what’s making it go hungry (with Centre for Ecology and Hydrology ); and experience the impact of a flash flood through virtual reality (with Serious Geo Games  of the University of Hull ), a team made up of early career researchers from the Lancaster University’s Graduate School of the Environment, the British Ecological Society, and the STARS CDT and Envision DTP postdoctoral training schemes brought the ‘Hidden Wonders of Woodlands’ to the masses.

7,000 visitors attended the whole event, and the team engaged in over 1,120 individual conversations with people of all ages and backgrounds.