Perception and Detection of Cancer in Medical Images

  1. Litchfield, D., Ball, L. J., Donovan, T., Manning, D. J., & Crawford, T. (2010). Viewing another person’s eye movements improves identification of pulmonary nodules in chest x-ray inspection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16(3), 251-262.

  2. Phillips, P., Manning, D., Crawford, T., Burling, D., Tam, C. L., & Taylor, A. (2008). Searching in axial and 3D CT visualisations. In Medical Imaging 2008 – Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment [69171J] (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 6917).

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  4. Manning, D., Ethell, S., Donovan, T., & Crawford, T. (2006). How do radiologists do it? The influence of experience and training on searching for chest nodules. Radiography, 12(2), 134-142.

  5. Manning, D., Barker-Mill, S. C., Donovan, T., & Crawford, T. (2006). Time-dependent observer errors in pulmonary nodule detection. British Journal of Radiology, 79(940), 342-346.

  6. Donovan, T., Manning, D. J., Philips, P. W., Higham, S., & Crawford, T. J. (2005). The effect of feedback on performance in fractured detection task. Proceedings of the SPIE medical imaging conference.

  7. Manning, D., Ethell, S., & Crawford, T. (2003). An eye-tracking AFROC study of the influence of experience and training on chest X-ray interpretation. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5034, 257-266.