In the News 

An update on medical schools’ work to tackle racism and inequality (2020) Medical Schools Council 

Global Health Research Needs More than A Makeover (2019) Forbes 

10 Fixes for Global Health Consulting Malpractice (2019) Global Health Now

Global health still mimics colonial ways: here’s how to break the pattern (2019) The Conversation 

Tackling the enduring legacy of colonialism in global health (2019) Health Systems Global

The activists trying to decolonize global health (2019) DEVEX

Dissipating historical medical inequity through decolonising healthcare education (2020) BMJ

Racism rife in the medical profession, BMA report says (2003) PubMed Central

Decolonising global health: if not now, when? (2020) BMJ

Covid-19 has shone a light on racial disparities in health (The Economist)

Academic Articles 

Acosta, D., & Ackerman-Barder K. (2017) Breaking the Silence: Time to Talk about Race and Racism. Academic Medicine, 92 (3), PP.285-288. 

Bhaumik SSJagnoor J. (2019) Diversity in the editorial boards of global health journals. BMJ Global Health, 4:e001909. 

British Medical Journal (2020) Racism in Education (Special Edition) 

Büyüm AM, Kenney C, Koris A, et al. (2020) Decolonising global health: if not now, when?

Dadzie, O.E., Petit, A., Alexis, A.F. (2013) Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice. Oxford: Wiley. 

Hedt-Gauthier, B.L.Jeufack, H.M., Neufeld N.H., et al. (2019) Stuck in the middle: a systematic review of authorship in collaborative health research in Africa, 2014–2016. BMJ Global Health, 4:e001853 

Mbaye R, Gebeyehu R, Hossmann S, et al. (2019) Who is telling the story? A systematic review of authorship for infectious disease research conducted in Africa, 1980– 2016. BMJ Global Health, 4:e001855. 

Metzl, J.M., & Hansen H. (2014) Structural competency: Theorizing a new medical engagement with stigma and inequality. Social Science & Medicine. 103, pp.126-133.

Mulder, H., Ter Braak, E., Carrie Chen, H., Ten Cate, O. (2019) Addressing the hidden curriculum in the clinical workplace: A practical tool for trainees and faculty. Medical Teacher, 41(1), pp.36-43

Packard, R. M. (2016) A History of Global Health: Interventions into the Lives of Other PeoplesBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.  

Smart, A. & Weiner, K. (2018) Racialised Prescribing: enacting race/ethnicity in clinical practice guidelines and in accounts of clinical practice. Sociology of Health and Illness, 40(5), pp843-858.   

Turbes, S., Krebs, E., Axtell, S. (2002) The hidden curriculum in multicultural medical education. Academic Medicine, 77(3), pp.209-16 


Other Resources 

Duke Decolonising Global Health reading list

Duke Decolonising Global Health conference 

UCL Decolonising the Medical Curriculum Reading List

Decolonising the Medical Curriculum Resource List #1 

Decolonise the Medical Curriculum Reading List #2