• decolonisinglu@lancaster.ac.uk


This is a (non-exhaustive) reference list for literature related to education and issues connected with decolonising divided into the following sections:

  • Blogs
  • Policy
  • Pedagogy
  • Higher Education
  • In-/Equities


7 Actions to Change the History Curriculum (Runnymede Trust)

The Black Curriculum

The Anti-Racist Educator

Teaching Ideas and Resources (New York Times)

Education Sub Saharan Africa – searchable database of education papers from Africa

Decolonising your Reading list


Bhopal, Kalwant, and Clare Pitkin. 2020. ‘“Same Old Story, Just a Different Policy”: Race and Policy Making in Higher Education in the UK’. Race Ethnicity and Education 1–18.

Fataar, A. 2004. ‘Higher Education Policy Discourse in South Africa: A Struggle for Alignment with Macro Development Policy’. South African Journal of Higher Education 17(2):31–39.

Frankema, E. H. P. 2012. ‘The Origins of Formal Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Was British Rule More Benign?’ European Review of Economic History 16(4):335–55.

Gillborn, David. 2005. ‘Education Policy as an Act of White Supremacy: Whiteness , Critical Race Theory and Education Reform’. Journal of Education Policy 20(4):485–505.

Jöns, Heike, and Michael Hoyler. 2013. ‘Global Geographies of Higher Education: The Perspective of World University Rankings’. Geoforum 46:45–59.

Kaba, Amadu Jacky. 2012. ‘Analyzing the Anglo-American Hegemony in the Times Higher Education Rankings’. Education Policy Analysis Archives 20(21):1–53.

Long, Mark C. 2004. ‘Race and College Admissions: An Alternative to Affirmative Action?’ Review of Economics and Statistics 86(4):1020–33.

Mamdani, Mahmood. 2007. Scholars in the Marketplace: The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989 – 2005. Dakar: CODESRIA.

Shahjahan, Riyad A., Gerardo Blanco Ramirez, and Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti. 2017. ‘Attempting to Imagine the Unimaginable: A Decolonial Reading of Global University Rankings’. Comparative Education Review 61(S1):S51–73.

Shahjahan, Riyad A., Erin L. Sonneveldt, Annabelle L. Estera, and Sohyeon Bae. 2020. ‘Emoscapes and Commercial University Rankers: The Role of Affect in Global Higher Education Policy’. Critical Studies in Education 1–16.

Soudien, C. 2010. ‘Some Issues in Affirmative Action in Higher Education in South Africa’. South African Journal of Higher Education 24(2):224–37.

Sriprakash, Arathi, Nally, David, Myers, Kevin, and Ramos-Pinto, Pedro. 2020. Learning with the Past: Racism, Education and Reparative Futures. Paris: UNESCO.

University Wankings. 2021. Why are our rankings so white? In: Hall, Budd L., Tandon, R. Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy. Oxford: Brill.

Warikoo, Natasha, and Utaukwa Allen. 2019. ‘A Solution to Multiple Problems: The Origins of Affirmative Action in Higher Education around the World’. Studies in Higher Education 1–15.

Warikoo, Natasha, M. 2019. The Diversity Bargain: And Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



Ali, Suki. 2009. ‘Black Feminist Praxis: Some Reflections on Pedagogies and Politics in Higher Education’. Race Ethnicity and Education 12(1):79–86.

Bullen, Jonathan & Flavell, Helen (2021) Decolonising the indigenised curricula: preparing Australian graduates for a workplace and world in flux, Higher Education Research & Development, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2021.1927998

Cortina, Regina & Earl, Amanda (2021) Embracing interculturality and Indigenous knowledge in Latin American higher education, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 51:8, 1208-1225, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1766350

Davids, M. Noor. 2018. ‘Ideology Critique as Decolonising Pedagogy: Urban Forced Removals as a Case Study’. Educational Research for Social Change 7(0).

de Jong, Sara, Rosalba Icaza, Olivia U. Rutazibwa. 2019 Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning. Oxford: Routledge.

Hall, Budd L., and Rajesh Tandon. 2017. ‘Decolonization of Knowledge, Epistemicide, Participatory Research and Higher Education’. Research for All 1(1):6–19.

hooks, bell. 1994. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge.

Jacob, Michelle. 2017. ‘Indigenous Studies Speaks to American Sociology: The Need for Individual and Social Transformations of Indigenous Education in the USA’. Social Sciences 7(2):1.

Leonardo, Zeus, and Michalinos Zembylas. 2013. ‘Whiteness as Technology of Affect: Implications for Educational Praxis’. Equity and Excellence in Education 46(1):150–65.

Luckett, Kathy, and Suellen Shay. 2017. ‘Reframing the Curriculum: A Transformative Approach’. Critical Studies in Education 61(1):50–65.

Mackinlay, Elizabeth, and Katelyn Barney. 2014. ‘Unknown and Unknowing Possibilities: Transformative Learning, Social Justice, and Decolonising Pedagogy in Indigenous Australian Studies’. Journal of Transformative Education 12(1):54–73.

Manathunga, Catherine. 2018. ‘Decolonising the Curriculum: Southern Interrogations of Time, Place and Knowledge’. 17.

Middleton, Sue, and Elizabeth McKinley. 2010. ‘The Gown and the Korowai: Māori Doctoral Students and the Spatial Organisation of Academic Knowledge’. Higher Education Research & Development 29(3):229–43.

Moore, Sarah Jane, and Nesterova, Yulia. 2020. Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing for a sustainable living. Paris: UNESCO.

Nishi, Naomi W. (2021) White Hoarders: A Portrait of Whiteness and Resource Allocation in College Algebra, The Journal of Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/00221546.2021.1914495

Shahjahan, Riyad A. 2015. ‘Being “Lazy” and Slowing Down: Toward Decolonizing Time, Our Body, and Pedagogy’. Educational Philosophy and Theory 47(5):488–501.

Tuck, Eve, and K. Wayne Yang. 2012. ‘Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor’. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 1(1):1–40.

Higher Education

Baffoe, Michael, Lewis Asimeng-Boahene, and Buster C. Ogbuagu. 2014. ‘Their Way or No Way: “Whiteness” as Agent for Marginalizing and Silencing Minority Voices in Academic Research and Publication’. European Journal of Sustainable Development 3(1):13–32.

Beutel, Ann M., and Donna J. Nelson. 2006. ‘The Gender and Race-Ethnicity of Faculty in Top Social Science Research Departments’. The Social Science Journal 43(1):111–25.

Bhambra, Gurminder K., Dalia Gebrial, and Kerem Nişancıolu. 2018. Decolonising the University. London: Pluto Press.

Buggs, Shantel Gabrieal, Jennifer Patrice Sims, and Rory Kramer. 2020. ‘Rejecting White Distraction: A Critique of the White Logic and White Methods in Academic Publishing’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 1–9.

Cornell, Josephine, and Shose Kessi. 2017. ‘Black Students’ Experiences of Transformation at a Previously “White Only” South African University: A Photovoice Study’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(11):1882–99.

Doharty, Nadena. 2018. ‘“I FELT DEAD”: Applying a Racial Microaggressions Framework to Black Students’ Experiences of Black History Month and Black History’. Race Ethnicity and Education 1–20.

Doharty, Nadena. 2019. ‘The “Angry Black Woman” as Intellectual Bondage: Being Strategically Emotional on the Academic Plantation’. Race Ethnicity and Education 1–15.

Duru-Bellat, Marie, Annick Kieffer, and David Reimer. 2008. ‘Patterns of Social Inequalities in Access to Higher Education in France and Germany’. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 49(4–5):347–68.

Fischer, Mary J. 2010. ‘A Longitudinal Examination of the Role of Stereotype Threat and Racial Climate on College Outcomes for Minorities at Elite Institutions’. Social Psychology of Education 13(1):19–40.

Heleta, Savo. 2016. ‘Decolonisation of Higher Education: Dismantling Epistemic Violence and Eurocentrism in South Africa’. Transformation in Higher Education 1(1).

Henry, Frances, Enakshi Dua, Audrey Kobayashi, Carl James, Peter Li, Howard Ramos, and Malinda S. Smith. 2017. ‘Race, Racialization and Indigeneity in Canadian Universities’. Race Ethnicity and Education 20(3):300–314.

Hiraldo, Payne. n.d. ‘The Role of Critical Race Theory in Higher Education’. 8.

Hopkins, Allison L., James W. Jawitz, Christopher McCarty, Alex Goldman, and Nandita B. Basu. 2013. ‘Disparities in Publication Patterns by Gender, Race and Ethnicity Based on a Survey of a Random Sample of Authors’. Scientometrics 96(2):515–34.

Joseph Mbembe, Achille. 2016. ‘Decolonizing the University: New Directions’. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 15(1):29–45.

Joseph-Salisbury, Remi. 2019. ‘Institutionalised Whiteness, Racial Microaggressions and Black Bodies out of Place in Higher Education’. Whiteness and Education 1–17.

Kim, Terri. 2009. ‘Transnational Academic Mobility, Internationalization and Interculturality in Higher Education’. Intercultural Education 20(5):395–405.

Morreira, Shannon. 2017. ‘Steps Towards Decolonial Higher Education in Southern Africa? Epistemic Disobedience in the Humanities’. Journal of Asian and African Studies 52(3):287–301.

Miller, Ryan A. & Holliday-Millard, Paul (2021) Debating Diversity and Social Justice Curricular Requirements: How Organizational Culture at a Liberal Arts College Informed the Change Process, The Journal of Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/00221546.2021.1912553

Schalk, A., Kahn, P. (2021) Understanding the challenges entailed in decolonising a Higher Education institution: an organisational case study of a research-intensive South African university. Teaching in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2021.1928064

Tate, Shirley Anne, and Paul Bagguley. 2017. ‘Building the Anti-Racist University: Next Steps’. Race Ethnicity and Education 20(3):289–99.

Trahar, Sheila. 2019. Snow White, a Mirror and Whiteness: Entangling Thoughts in Metaphors. Innovations in Narrative and Metaphor. 149-165. London: Springer.

Williams, Paulette, Sukhi Bath, Jason Arday, and Chantelle Lewis. 2019. The Broken Pipeline. Leading Routes.


Bhopal, Kalwant. 2016. The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics: A Comparative Study of the Unequal Academy. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bhopal, Kalwant. 2017. ‘Addressing Racial Inequalities in Higher Education: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(13):2293–99.

Bhopal, Kalwant. 2019. ‘Gender, Ethnicity and Career Progression in UK Higher Education: A Case Study Analysis’. Research Papers in Education 1–16.

Boliver, Vikki. 2016. ‘Exploring Ethnic Inequalities in Admission to Russell Group Universities’. Sociology 50(2):247–66.

Diallo, Ibrahima. 2016. ‘Literacy and Education in West Africa: From Ajami to Francophonie’. Africa Review 8(1):60–70.

Everett, Bethany G., Richard G. Rogers, Robert A. Hummer, and Patrick M. Krueger. 2011. ‘Trends in Educational Attainment by Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and Sex in the United States, 1989–2005’. Ethnic and Racial Studies 34(9):1543–66.

Fahd, Kiran, and Sitalakshmi Venkatraman. 2019. ‘Racial Inclusion in Education: An Australian Context’. Economies 7(2):27.

Finnie, Ross Elliott, Eric Lascelles, and Arthur Sweetman. 2005. Who Goes? The Direct and Indirect Effects of Family Background on Access to Post-Secondary Education. Ottawa, Ontario.

Gordon, Catherine E., and Jerry P. White. 2014. ‘Indigenous Educational Attainment in Canada’. International Indigenous Policy Journal 5(3).

Harper, Shaun R. 2009. ‘Niggers No More: A Critical Race Counternarrative on Black Male Student Achievement at Predominantly White Colleges and Universities’. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 22(6):697–712.

Harper, Shaun R. n.d. ‘Black Male Student Success in Higher Education: A Report from the National Black Male College Achievement Study’. 33.

Juhong, Bai, and Tim Maloney. 2006. ‘Ethnicity and Academic Success at University’. New Zealand Economic Papers 40(2):181–213.

Kim, Jeongyeon. 2019. ‘International Students’ Intercultural Sensitivity in Their Academic Socialisation to a Non-English-Speaking Higher Education: A Korean Case Study’. Journal of Further and Higher Education 1–17.

McDaniel, Anne, Thomas A. DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann, and Uri Shwed. 2011. ‘The Black Gender Gap in Educational Attainment: Historical Trends and Racial Comparisons’. Demography 48(3):889–914.

Mcduff, Nona, John Tatam, Owen Beacock, and Fiona Ross (2020) Closing the attainment gap for students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds through institutional change (Kingston University ePrint)

Nash, Roy. 2001. ‘Models of Maori Educational Attainment: Beyond the “Class” and “Ethnicity” Debate’. Waikato Journal of Education 7:23–36.

Pennant, April-Louise M. O. O. 2020. ‘My Journey into the “Heart of Whiteness” Whilst Remaining My Authentic (Black) Self’. Educational Philosophy and Theory 1–12.

Richardson, John T. E. 2015. ‘The Under-Attainment of Ethnic Minority Students in UK Higher Education: What We Know and What We Don’t Know’. Journal of Further and Higher Education 39(2):278–91.

Schott Foundation. 2015. BLACK LIVES MATTER: The Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males. Schott Foundation for Public Education.

Soudien, C. 2008. ‘The Intersection of Race and Class in the South African University: Student Experiences’. South African Journal of Higher Education 22(3):662–78.

Stevens, Peter A. J., Noel Clycq, Christianne Timmerman, and Mieke Van Houtte. 2011. ‘Researching Race/Ethnicity and Educational Inequality in the Netherlands: A Critical Review of the Research Literature between 1980 and 2008’. British Educational Research Journal 37(1):5–43.

Theodore, Reremoana, Mele Taumoepeau, Jesse Kokaua, Karen Tustin, Megan Gollop, Nicola Taylor, Jackie Hunter, Cynthia Kiro, and Richie Poulton. 2018. ‘Equity in New Zealand University Graduate Outcomes: Māori and Pacific Graduates’. Higher Education Research & Development 37(1):206–21.

Williams, Paulette, Sukhi Bath, Jason Arday, and Chantelle Lewis. 2019. The Broken Pipeline. Leading Routes.