Decolonisation in Higher Education Workshop

Decolonisation in Higher Education Workshop

30 June, 10:45 – 15:30, In person

MA Consultancy will be delivering a free in-person half-day workshop on Decolonisation in Higher Education.If you are already engaging with the topic of decolonisation and would like to build your own knowledge and skills in relation to the topic, please join us as we hear more from trained professionals who are working to support and extend the decolonisation agenda beyond the curriculum. This interactive and reflective workshop will help participants think more critically about the current application of their own decolonial praxis. It will also help develop the skills and knowledge required to take a more holistic approach to decolonisation within the context of learning and teaching, and beyond.

Registration required>>>

Click here to register. This event will be held on campus, and we will provide further details closer to the time. Spaces are limited so please reserve your place in advance. Lunch and refreshments are included. Open to all LU staff (including professional staff) and students.