
April 10, 2019

Alex Spence (Graduate Air Quality Consultant, Arcadis)

Name: Alex Spence

 Degree Title: BSc Environmental Science

 Graduated: 2018

 College: Cartmel College


Where are you now and what are you doing?

I have just moved to Manchester and started working for Arcadis as a Graduate Air Quality Consultant.  I am gaining experience in all aspects of air quality, from air quality monitoring to detailed dispersion modelling.  My team’s clients include local authorities, central and regional government and industrial operators and developers, and we work across a range of geographies.

We undertake many air quality assessments for residential and mixed-use developments in support of planning applications as well as dispersion modelling assessments of road and industrial emissions. Other things that we do include construction dust assessments, peer reviews, dust and air quality management plans and odour modelling.


What would you like to do next?

After gaining some experience in air quality I would like to move on to a role that focuses more on atmosphere and climate or meteorology, all the while working on becoming a Chartered Scientist.


Why did you choose to study at Lancaster?

Lancaster Environment Centre has an excellent reputation for Environmental Science which is what first attracted me. Coming from a small town in Northern Ireland, the comfort and safety of campus life also appealed to me, as well as the feeling of friendliness I got from Lancaster Environment Centre and on campus in general. To add to this, I loved that Lancaster was so rural whilst still having the connections of a big city. There was so much beautiful countryside right on my doorstep.


What was your favourite part of your degree and why?

I loved the LEC fieldtrips as I love exploring and learning about the outdoors. For example, those to the Lake District, The Yorkshire Dales and in my final year, to study Mount Etna Volcano in Sicily.


How do you think your time at Lancaster prepared you for what you’re currently doing?

Having such a large range of modules to study helped me narrow down the environmental areas I am most interested in: Atmosphere and Air Quality. These modules also gave me invaluable skills that I use every day as a consultant. For example, data analysis, excel skills, academic writing skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and monitoring skills to name a few. My undergraduate dissertation was the biggest learning experience in this respect as the independence of it taught me that I can do anything and teach myself how to do things that at first seem very complicated. The academic support at Lancaster was also amazing. Class sizes are not enormous as in some universities, so the lecturer and other support staff are able to spend time with each student individually to answer questions during practical sessions. You can also arrange to meet the lecturer one-on-one to go over anything you are unsure of and they almost always make time for you.


What did you enjoy most about your time at Lancaster? (Including extra-curricular activities and beyond?)

Without a doubt my favourite part of Lancaster was the people I met during my time there – both the other students and academic staff. They truly made Lancaster my home for three years and it was so hard to leave! I now have friends in many different cities and countries, and I know we will always keep in touch.