Keeping yourself marketable

By Will (Student Blogger: BSc Hons Entrepreneurship and Management)

Many of us come to university in the hope that it will be the stepping-stone we require in obtaining that ever-elusive job we so badly want. That degree at the end of years of study, however, is not the only tool in our arsenal of employability that has been building up throughout our time in further education. Societies, volunteering, sports, you name it, students do it in some capacity or another. However, with extra-curricular events largely embargoed due to COVID-19, we have all lost out on opportunities for skill development, experience and, most importantly, CV material. This is an issue because, although the world seems to have stopped in many aspects, employers haven’t, and their desire to see us students as well-rounded members of society is as rampant as ever.

So, what do we do? As an Entrepreneurship student I can only advocate what I know, and that is to improvise, adapt and overcome. We’ve all been forced online, so let’s make the most of those online demonstrations of our diverse expertise. These include online courses, webinars and interactive campaigns, just to name a few. The internet is an infinite place, all we need do is show the want to utilise it. I dare say we can channel some of that ‘spare’ time we have inherited by working exclusively online away from procrastination and into employability strengthening activities every few days or so. Grasp something you’re interested in. Still don’t fully understand Teams? I can personally vouch for the hundreds of courses, both at Lancaster and externally, that will set that straight in around fifteen minutes.

In an ever-complex economy, the adaptability and drive you will show by gaining online formal certification will go so far when it comes to applying for ever more competitive jobs. There is much to complain about in the current climate, but I can tell you from experience that those who whine remain behind, whilst those who act push the boundaries of possibility. Yes, our university experience is vastly different than that of anyone who has come before us, but who says it must be less valuable? If we value our time and efforts as much as we should do as students of such a prestigious university, then we should all be jumping at the chance to show the world our talents. For many of us, these talents are best demonstrated through undertaking online courses whilst keeping our end goals firmly in sight. If we allow time to pass us by, getting the minimum amount done in times when opportunities are quite literally at our fingertips, what chance will we have when things go ‘back to normal’ and competition is rife in every endeavour we undertake.

We cannot control the environment, we can only control how it affects us. Turn this largely perceived crisis into an opportunity, I have. It may seem crass to many reading this, but this pandemic has been my most fruitful period in years, with enterprises thriving, perspective gained and baggage removed. Now that hasn’t come by chance. Only by seizing the opportunity to slow down and reflect on my position in the world was I able to embark upon this success. Don’t let life pass you by, even though everyone else may be on the slow down. Be that spark, that flame, ready to burst onto the scene with all these online demonstrations of pragmatism and enthusiasm. Go and make ready to get what you deserve.