Slash and burn: A hot topic

by Erin Jones  – Approximately 2.9 billion hectares of land is affected by shifting cultivation globally[1]. Often named ‘slash and burn’, shifting cultivation is an age-old practice unique to tropical locations in Africa, Asia and Latin America[2]. It involves the cutting and burning of natural material, which is replaced by agricultural crops, followed by an…

Climate change mitigation and food security

by Charlotte Evans –  Have you ever considered the negative impacts of offsetting climate change? Food security is a global issue that could be worsened through mitigation processes and it is something that 2 billion people currently suffer from [1]. Climate change and food security are both major global problems and both are linked to…

Water: A basic human right

by Jessica Dean –  It is 2020 and clean water is still inaccessible for 2 billion people worldwide. That is one in every three people living without a resource, that we would all agree, is a basic human right necessary for survival[1]. Kamau and Njiru (2018) address this global issue with a focus on water sanitation…

Meat Consumption and the threat it brings to Biodiversity

by Eleanor Egan –  Meat Consumption has increased rapidly in the last century with a 20% expansion in the last decade alone[i]. This brings a host of environmental issues including effects on climate change. Developed countries are consuming over double the quantity of meat products compared to developing countries[ii],  which has lead to unsustainable eating…

Are humans selfish for lacking interest in the impacts nuclear disasters have upon wildlife?

By Abby Harding –  Arguments surrounding nuclear disasters typically concern humans and the effects accidents could and do have upon them, however the consequences for wildlife should also be considered. Nuclear power, although more sustainable for the environment, still possess’ a risk factor, and potential accidents can have detrimental consequences both locally and globally[1]. Over…

Are we unintentionally threatening children’s lives?

by Hannah Galpin –  Daily we go about our everyday lives; heat homes, burn fuel, use transportation, eat food from around the globe, use technology and buy clothes manufactured in industrial factories. Have you considered the detrimental impact this has on our children and future generations? Everyday activities pollute and impact children in unimaginable ways. “Pollution…

Supermarkets: a force for good or evil?

by Amrin Golam –  Where do you buy your food? In the developed world, it has become the norm to go to local supermarkets. As we experience a nutrition transition on a global scale this is also becoming a more common occurrence in the developing world.[1] The growth of supermarkets is shifting the global diet.[2] This…