2021 in Science… so far – Olivia Hesketh

At the moment, it seems like our lives are dominated by constant mentions of social distancing and coronavirus case numbers. This is inevitable considering the fact that we are living through a pandemic. But coronavirus aside, 2021 so far has brought many fascinating and promising scientific developments of which we don’t tend to see reported Read more about 2021 in Science… so far – Olivia Hesketh[…]

What exactly is Alzheimer’s Disease? – Thora Paul

What exactly is Alzheimer’s Disease?   The History   Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia which is irreversible and induces progressive deterioration of neurones in the brain. Named after Alois Alzheimer a German Physiatrist who first described its symptoms in 1901, after realising his patient, 51-year-old female, Auguste Deter’s progressive mental deterioration. Her autopsy revealed Read more about What exactly is Alzheimer’s Disease? – Thora Paul[…]