Structure of the Teach-Learn-Share

Teach-Learn-Share aims to encourage the sharing of practice, genuinely engage stakeholders, identify relevant issues, enable engagement with scholarship, capture outcomes, and facilitate dissemination. It undertakes this through meso- and micro-level TeachMeets and through supporting the development of scholarly outputs (pocket guides, blogs, podcast etc).

Meso-Level Activities Micro-Level Activities

TeachMeets which harness synergies in teaching, learning and assessment across disciplines. Consist of micro-presentations (7 minutes), nano-presentations (2 minutes), round-table break-outs (15 minutes) and backchannel discussions (using a # for online conversations to enable further sharing, dissemination and future direction, and to capture outcomes).


Peer-led TeachMeet: which recognise that there are unique teaching, learning and assessment challenges that have relevance specific to certain disciplines or departments. Empowers individuals/departments and enables the rapid response to emergent issues. Consist of micro-presentations (7 minutes), nano-presentations (2 minutes), and backchannel discussions.